all, as my title said, i was installing aftermarket speakers in my Prius. As you all know, you have to take the door panel off and de-attach the locking cable. However, when i finish installing the speaker, when i put back my door panel, i put the locking cable in, but forgot to slide the plastic thingy into the slot. And shut the door panel and close the door. Now the door cannot be open from inside latch or outside latch. I am not sure if i can explain better than this, but the point for the plastic thingy to be put into the slot is when you pull the latch, it pulls the cable without pulling on the plastic sleeve. Right now, when i pull the latch, it just pulling the entire cable without anything grabbing the plastic thingy. So, i am not sure what to do. I wanna come up here and ask before i go to the dealership. Thanks
Maybe try slim jim the door? I'm curious why you detached the cables? The door handle part pops off of the panel without the need of detaching the cables.
yah, you can do it both way, de-attach the cable with the door latch on the door panel or take the door latch off without taking off the cable. The videos i watched instructed this way. how does slim jim the door help? please elaborate.
go in through the passenger side of the car and pull the panel off (it might break) then move the lever the cable connects too and it should open
no idea, never had this happen and I don't think the dealer will come up with a better idea..but they will be happy to charge you by the hour until they get it risk the $50 plastic panel if it were my car before Id pay them $100 an hour, but that's me
looking at my gen 2 its possible but not easy towards the front of the door by the dash thats why I said it might break where the plastic clips are held in, so he might have to use double sided tape to hold it on..