I found the G-Spot!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by busyrosy, May 8, 2006.

  1. busyrosy

    busyrosy New Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Bay Area, CA
    A few days ago, I posted a topic seeking pulse and glide tips and you guys were VERY VERY helpful. I realized that I had the pulse and glid all wrong, and the other day, I finally got it.

    I drove around for good 2 miles or so, or until my engine was sufficiently warmed up.. then.. I hit on the gas pedal, then eased off until I reached the precise spot and there it was! My consumption screen with NO arrows. I was gliding for good hundreds of yards (the road was on a very slight decline, so I was able to maintain my speed).

    Thanks for all the help guys!
  2. petsounds75

    petsounds75 New Member

    May 8, 2006
    Hope you were gliding on the tires and not hydroplaning on the slick from your "find". Sometimes such actions will cause lack of control whether the instigator of such situations knows it or not.

    But hey, whatever works! :p