it's a good time to look around for factory mistakes, loose fasteners and etc. you should rotate the tyres every 5,000 miles.
In Canada the schedule calls for an oil change at 5000 miles, well 8000 km's (or 6 months). There's no "free" maintenance up here, which in a way frees you up, you can do what you dang well please. The rational a lot of US owners make is that it's colder up here, but it's kinda moot: 90% of the Canadian population huddles on the border with the US. Also, it sorta falls apart when you compare lower mainland BC climate to somewhere like Fargo ND. Or Alaska. If it was my baby, in the 'States, I'd treat it to a 6 month or 5000 mile oil change, at least for that first one.
loll maybe tue for west coast loll we will will froze -20 under 3 foot of snow for a couple month over her soon
Understand. Perhaps they should set the oil change interval on climate zones; just setting the transition at the 49th parallel is so arbitrary. I'm just thankful I fall on the 6 month or 8000 km side.
You really need to take a few moments to read through the maintenance guide that should have come with the car. If you don't familiarize yourself with what NEEDS to be done, the dealer will try to upsell you things like their Blue Service, etc., where they "visually" inspect a lot of things and charge you for it. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, it's just kind of expensive and generally not necessary. As you have seen, you will also get a lot of suggestions to do things, like change the oil, more frequently than the manual calls for. Nothing wrong with that either, more frequently certainly won't hurt anything, but it's worthwhile to educate yourself. While 10,000 miles is the norm for the US, there are operating conditions under which you should change it more frequently. Unfortunately, the manual is pretty vague on specifics. Some people are "old school" or simply adopt the Canadian interval and change it every 5,000 miles. Just be aware that the Prius uses the more expensive synthetic oil, so there should be no reason to change it more frequently than the manual calls for. It's your car though, so it's up to you. And let's be honest, the only reason oil changes in the US are "free" for 24 months is that's it's only 2 changes. They get you in the door so they can sell you other sevices, like air filters, fuel injector cleaners, etc., and you get used to using their services. When you go for the 3rd change, you'll find out how much it's going to dent your wallet and how much other stuff they try to sell you. I'm not anti-dealer, but I'd like the meet the service manager who doesn't try to sell me things I don't need just so they can get their commissions. And with a new car like the Prius, it's that much harder to know what you don't need.
What do dealerships charge for Toyota 0W20 (synthetic) where you are? It's eerily cheap up here: for the longest time it was $5.65 (Can) per liter, lately just went up to $5.91.
Does anyone know how I can manually turn off the maintenance required notification when I turn on my car? The dealer forgot to do this iPhone ?
I don't think there's any data that says cars in Canada last longer than cars in the US, especially in border states, because of the shorter oil change interval. Let's face it though, a longer interval generally means engines don't last as long, that's simple mechanics. What's not simple is how long and what that means to the average owner. Given the reliability of the Prius and the buyer demographics, I suspect the 10,000 mile interval is adequate, but time will tell since it hasn't been 10,000 miles for that long. The best way to determine when oil should be changed is to have it tested. Unfortunately, that costs as much or more than the oil change, so just change the oil and be done with it. Even at $50-$75 or so it's cheaper than the alternative.
Yup. My DIY changes cost about $34 plus tax. Considering I'm doing them every 6 months, one cheap-out would be to only do the filter at every other oil change: but remove and re-install it, to drain that portion of the oil.
Unless the manual has changed, it should be in Section 4-2, pg 409. Please double-check. 1. Turn Power switch to On. Make sure Trip A is displayed on the multi-information display. 2. Turn Power switch to Off. 3. Turn Power switch to ON while pressing/holding the MPH or kp/h button. 4. Press button until trip meter indicates "000000" and the display says the reset is complete. Bear in mind that any miles driven since the last service won't be counted. I think the message starts displaying 450-500 miles (I forget which) before maintenance is required.
I did an oil/filter change at 5,000...just to be safe. Had to do it again at 10,000 so I'd be in sync for future oil changes every 10,000 miles.
every time I brought mine in for the 5k service it was just a tire rotation and fluid check/top off. Nothing I couldn't do in my own garage. I just reset the light.
Just hit the 5k mark. Rotating tires before the new year sets in. I'm going to change the oil at 10k. My logic is only because the engine isn't running all the time like on a regular car. I've notice that my engine runs about have of the time I am driving.