Got a 2010 Toyota Prius with 148k mileage. They say i should resell it and I will be good for another 140k it costs 140
Did you mean reseal it? Does that mean putting on a new pan gasket? For $140 go for it if the car has no other major problems. How much farther the car will last is anybody's guess, another 140k is a good guess, maybe.
Who are "they"? What is "it"? What costs 140? …and 140 what? …and what has the Oil pan leak got to do with it?? (…am I really the only reader confused by this seemingly random jumble of words/ideas?)
I am at a Toyota dealership . They reccomend to re seal the oil pan gasket. There is a leak. It cost 140
What does the dealer mean by "reseal", if it's just tightening down the pan bolts, you can do that yourself.
OK, I think I understand (just a bit better). The oil-pan on my previous Toyota (Corolla DX Wagon, 1993, nearly 300k miles on odometer) leaked slightly, just enough to make a ¼-sized spot on the ground if parked overnight. The dealer wanted $1300 to fix it! (something about there not being a separate gasket, but they use a sealing compound which requires the whole pan to be removed, cleaned etc. etc.) …but I held off on the repair, and waited, and waited, and eventually the leak went away (honestly! - the leak just stopped!!!) …it reminds me of the old saying "Old War-birds (aeroplanes) don't have oil-leaks, they're just marking their territory!!"
$140's not bad. OTOH, I'd have a look at that leak, if it's just at one or two bolts and really minor leakage, meh.
Where's the leakage? Is it around the edge of the pan or the drain bolt? If it's around the edge of the pan, for $140, go for it.