I'm in need of help. I have no good music in my Prius yet two feet away is my wonderful IPOD full of many great tracks. Has anyone successfully installed an auxiliary audio input in the '04 Prius? I need a way to hookup my iPOD, but CoastalDave's site still reads "coming soon". I've had the car about a month and I'm anxious. Anyone install an audio input themselves? Anyone install an audio input at a car stereo shop? Any other ideas? I've tried FM Transmitters, but I hate them. I always seem to get interference and the sound quality is spotty at best. Thanks to anyone who has any ideas! Mark Seaside Pearl #7
well, at 10 cents or less for blank cd's, you could always burn a few to hold you over until coastal dave's aux input comes out. he emailed me on something else the other day and said it will be ready soon...
And Dension has ICElink 1.1. In a week or two there will be a Proclip made to work with the ICElink that will hold an iPod without having to be permanently mounted to the dashboard./
Coastaletech.com has said that they are coming out with an Aux Audio input shortly -- within the next month or so. I'm hoping it comes out soon for my ipod! Jeanne
The premium audio system I got includes a tape deck, so I use that to hook up my iPod. I hate the FM transmitters also, but the tape deck adaptors have always been reliable for me. - Scott
true, though i always found the adapter to be very warm after it was used a few hours... so from that i feared that it was wearing on the cassette player...
The warmth comes more from the electronics than anything else I'd imagine. That whole console feels warm to the touch over time for me.
HELP! Has no one out there attempted to add an "Auxiliary Audio Input Adapter" to their Prius? The one on coastaletech.com has been "coming soon" now for months, and every time I post someone says "Coastal Dave says his is coming soon" so I don't have much confidence in that at this point. SO - I'm looking for alternative solutions. I took my car to a high-end car stereo shop here in town and they couldn't help me out. has anyone at all installed a Auxiliary Audio Input Adapter in the Prius? Anyone willing to help me out?
You might want to check this out: http://www.mp3kit.com/Products/PLL-1_FM/PL..._modulator.html It was posted on one of the groups a while back. Chet
The original poster hates FM transmitters as do I. This might be a better FM transmitter than most if it works as claimed but is still FM and not a true AUX-IN.