Hello! I would love to get a OBDII Bluetooth dongle that interfaces with my phone / tablet... Do you folks have recommendations on which you prefer and why? Thanks! ddanley
Android or iPhone ? You might look on Amazon and/or Google. There are dozens available. Most are android based OS but iPhone iOS are limited and pricey.
Search Amazon for inexpensive and well reviewed ones. Search term is ELM237. One thing to keep in mind is the cheap dongles never power off. This will drain your 12v battery if you don't drive for a week, and damage the battery over time if you regularly go several days without driving. The off switch only seems to work on the more expensive units. I suppose a person could solder their own off switch too, but I find it easy enough to unplug.
ebay[_________________]com/itm/310667634232?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT (replace [__] with a dot. I'm now allowed to post a link yet) I bought one here. Seems good, cheap, but useless for me now. yeah it's plug and play so whenever you don't need it, just unplug it.
This arrived today and I used it to adjust the reverse beep. Search Amazon for BAFX Products 34t5 Bluetooth OBDII Scan Tool for Android Devices