Sparkie hit 100,000 of EV and with 281,000 miles on the odometer, isn't too far from the 300,000 mark. Erick Belmer’s Chevy Volt Traveled Its 100,000th All-Electric Mile Today
I would venture to say most (not all) Plug-In owners of any flavor get the workplace freebie. When do the rest of us get free "fuel" at work?
Thank you for bringing up a very little discussed but very important subject concerning free fuel at work. I agrees 100% with you - where is the fairness for the rest of us at work for getting free fuel? If a few, plug-in reap the benefit of a "free" fuel (read a employer / government issued benefit), what compensation is afforded to the remaining employee populace? Currently -the is no fairness in the compensation to non plug-in employees. I strongly urge all non plug-in employees to complain loudly to management,, elected officials to correct this unfairness. The "welfare entitlement" mentality of "free" fuel must end quickly. Company management, elected officials need to here from all of us in ending the "free" fuel at work injustice. If not, then lawsuits concerning the above will be making their way through the legal system. The lawyers will be having a field day with this one, and as usual, the lawyers will make out big. Companies and elected officials, if they are paying attention and smart, will end this "free" fuel ASAP. Applying a use monetary fee for recharging at work is about as fair as it can get for all employees involved. Keep in mind, all that is needed is the question to be asked: why do a few select employees get a free benefit and not all employee at that company? This is a question that can not be ignored and swept under the rug any more. Lets' keep this important discussion concerning fairness going. Thank you, DBCassidy
"But...that's not Politically Correct. Your evil, hate minorities, old people, kids, dogs..." (Sorry...couldn't resist) My guess is some employers (especially in, but not limited to CA) do it for cost effective tax write-offs , not to benefit the well-to-do, entitled employees.
When do the rest of us get to write off commute miles for work? Those using public transport get to use pretax dollars for it.
No tongue-in-cheek. No more free charging at work. All pay to charge - no more issues of unfairness - its' really is simple. DBCassidy
Yeah that works for me. Sometime soon the honeymoon has gotta end, we have to see that it works without handouts.
The short answer to the question is because our laws are written to give some employees staggering huge benefits while others get as few as possible. I'm just surprised about the insignificance of some free electricity compared to the billion dollar inequities of CEO vs hourly employee benefits. With enough complaining some company officers may actually restrict free EV refueling for their corporate officer's Model S, Model X, and i8s while everyone else gets nothing. Problem solved?
Yes, CEO pay is obscene, compared to workers' salaries, but no, the problem concerning free ev charging is still there. The firestorm of why some employees get a "free" benefit and not all will come to surface. The best fix for this: fee based ev charging. Pay as you charge, when charged, you move your ev or pay extra for no charging at all (IE: hour rate charging). This should also make it more fair for OTHER ev being able to use the charging station when available. I am not against nor anti-ev - far from it. I AM against folks hogging the charge stations at work and not being considerate to other co-workers in need of a charge. Fairness is not insignificant. DBCassidy
Amazing how much gas he's saved on those 105k electric miles. Nice that he gets free charging at work too, so that cuts his electric costs down a little. World's First 300,000-Mile Chevrolet Volt
Sparkle the volt is an excellent reminder that the volt can be just as reliable as a Prius, very sombering for some here I know. Sounds to me like you either have to move or buy a volt.