We had a snowfall here in Michigan a good 3 weeks ago, with salt applied to the roads by the county. I intended to drive my beloved Prius c to the nearby carwash within a few days & pay $2 extra for their "bottom flush." But then I forgot about it, and never went. We've had occasional rain & comparatively mild weather ever since. I did thoroughly wax the car a few months ago, but I'm worried about a possible film of road salt on the bottom. Although it's been 3 weeks, is it "better late than never"? Or would it be a waste of my $?
A controversial topic. If the car wash's water is fresh, perhaps its a good thing. They typically use recycled water and what gets sprayed on your car may have more salt than you started with. Especially after your car has been driven through some rain. Otherwise, its never too let to spray it off, however.