2012 Prius v...54,000 miles. Went to start this afternoon, pressed the start button, car started but began to shake, shudder and vibrate while shifting from park to reverse. Immediately shut off the car, waited a few minutes and tried again. Started up and none of the symptoms returned. Drove normally and didn't return for the rest of the day. Any ideas?? It's my wife's car, I rarely drive it so can't tell you if it happened before (she's never mentioned it previously) and she's not here to verify if it did or not.
It has been reported a couple of times here, I had it happen once a couple of years ago on a cold morning, first start after shutdown prior evening. Hasn't re-occurred. If it were to become a regular occurrence, i would take it in and see if any codes were thrown.
Thanks. Heading on a road trip Sunday and will monitor and call dealer to see if they can diagnose any codes.
cold soak shake rattle and roll. there are tons of posts here. happens once in a while under the right conditions, no worries.
Has happened twice on my 2013 Prius v this Nov-Dec. Seems to me that one cylinder is not firing properly (shake rattle and roll, baby). Just over 55,000 miles on the car. Must be related to fuel or electronics. Glad to see the note "not to worry". Good reminder anyway to only use Shell gas whenever you can. This is my first post - was looking for news about the incredibly poorly designed GPS system and interface. Just returned from a 3 week trip to Denver from Knoxville, TN. GPS nearly got me killed 5 times with "turn right" messages when it really meant "turn left". Fortunately I use this GPS as a "suggestion-only" device, definitely not to be relied upon for your life. Had the same thing happen last year in Clearwater FL and reran the route with the exact same incorrect "guidance". Car is good. The whole electronics interface (GPS/radio/backup camera) is pure crap. But I really do like the heater controls, easy for driver to reach and use, ruggedly made. The toy-like shifter takes some getting used to - like a golf cart, but in the Prius, pushing the shifter forward is definitely not advised when you want to go forward. That's why they installed the annoying beeper to remind you that forward position of the joystick is reverse motion of the car. Once you are SURE that you have this engrained in your head, it is simple to disable the beeper, so that you get a SINGLE beep when the shift lever is placed in the backup position. Oh-h-h yes, love that beep. Because we were headed for Denver for Thanksgiving, I put on all-weather tires (my son lives there and warned me). I selected Cooper 60,000 mile tires because I felt they would have superior grip. Major improvement over the OEM tires, in all driving conditions. Well worth the bucks, and had snow every day.
Riddle me this... my 2012 Prius V Five has been doing the shake and shudder. I researched a few sites including this one. Took my car into dealership - they told me the code thrown didn’t tell them anything, The coolant level was low, but no coolant in the cylinder. Dealership recommended replacing head gasket and cylinder rebuild to the time of $3700. Bear in mind my car has 170k miles. So cost would be 1/2 the value of the car. One suggestion to eliminate the shake was to remove the O-ring from the radiator cap. Did this, no shake, but losing coolant like crazy. Put the O-ring back on...shake and shudder and loss of power when I initially step on the accelerator. This sounds like a vacuum issue but at no point did dealership check hoses or radiator or thermostat. Is there something I’m missing? None of this makes sense. Sounds like a bad design for the radiator. Thoughts? Many thanks, Mo
Removing the radiator cap o-ring unseals the system, placing less hydraulic pressure on any head gasket leak -- including after shutdown, during the cool down cycle. Not a fix, a palliative. A possible middle ground is a different cap that seals the system at a lower PSI relief pressure. (I do not know what PSI the OEM cap is rated.) That said, you will still lose some coolant, maybe a lot, depending on ambient temperature and ICE duty cycle.