Yikes, $50-$60 to go 300 miles on the Mirai. People are doing it for about $20 on the Prius MSRP $57,500 Range 300 mi Fill-Up Cost $50-$60 Fuel Capacity 5kg Doors 4 Seats 4 0-60 9.0 s Horsepower 151 hp Torque 247 lb-ft Weight 4080 lbs Top Speed 111 mph
If gas prices were low like they are now I could have filled up my old Hemi Charger for that Price and get just about that range.... And could fill it up at every gas station in the country. Not just in San Diego and LA.
Outdated numbers. The office range is 312 miles and 67 MPGe efficiency. That means each refill takes 4.66 kg. Cost is still unknown but we will know as soon as the first Mirai owner fills up at "Mirai friendly" H2 station. The current stations that Hyundai FCV is using was not built for retail but rather research many many years ago.
Guess I want to champion the underdog. I like The Leaf. I applaud Tesla, wish I could afford one. I own a Prius. But I hate to see headlines bemoaning the challenges, costs of operating the Mirai. Because I'd like to see it succeed. And I'm just afraid that early returns from the media, painting the ownership as being expensive and impractical, even if very true at this point, is like sinking the ship as it slides from the slip on launch. At this point in alternatives, I clearly think there is room for Electrics, Hybrids and also hopefully Hydrogen Fuel Cell.
So, $46.60 to $55.92 to fill up then. The per kg price used is close to what Toyota has released in the past. Their allowance with leased cars is nearly $28/kg.
Me too, but that's also why I'm rooting for the much more practical (and affordably priced) Model 3. Toyota is nowhere to be found in embarking on a similar endeavor, and that disappoints more than anything.
I'm with the electric me (fellow Prius chat member). The more different types of automobiles available (electric, hybrid and Hydrogen) the better it is overall for the automotive industry. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, the future of the automobile is not gas based. Tesla showed us that a non gas burning vehicle could look sexy. Toyota showed us a gas hybrid can be massed produced and be profitable and now Toyota is saying "hey, hydrogen is the future" Well of course it is. The cost to produce it is high because there is not a big enough market yet for large mass production. I say this, we need to develop the first mass producing hydrogen plant in the US, before China or some other country that doesn't quite "like us people" does. Otherwise we will be stuck paying $180 for a fill up. We are sitting on the threshold of an enormous period of change for cars..........
Their plan is diverse. I wouldn't say that is betting the farm on hydrogen, as anti-hydrogen would like us to believe.
No definitely not betting the farm. Nissan/Renault spent more on BEV than toyota looks like its spending on FCV, and Toyota has a lot more money. They are spending a lot on hydrogen PR, and Hydrogen Political Action making it look like they are investing a lot more of their money than they are. You can tell by statements at shareholder meetings they don't expect payback for decades on hydrogen, so betting the farm would be a sure loser in the eyes of shareholders.
The price for hydrogen is 13.59/kg (including sales tax) in west sacramento. Still incredibly expensive compared to gas.
Yep, $50/300 or $0.167/mile is outdated. At 66 mi/kg that and $13.59 is $61.77/300 miles or $0.206/mile. We can also change 44 hydrogen stations by end of 2015 to 16 (10 expected commercial stations and 6 demonstration stations. Toyota is also deploying 4 temporary low pressure private stations at dealerships so people can at least get a test drive. .
Please speak for yourself, I'd probably be dead before I purchased an H2 car especially in its present (and at least next decade) incarnation.
It will come down for sure. Free hydrogen is included with the lease of Mirai so, if you don't want to get stuck with high H2 cost, just lease and return it. 2020 will be interesting as more and more manufacturers are coming out with FCVs and the market is reported to grow (including H2 production).
I actually looked into leasing the mirai because the filling station is on my way. The problem is that even with all the rebates available and the free H2, you end up paying over 8000 for 3 years.