Don't be fooled. The real reason OPEC is lowering the price on oil is to choke off Russian and American oil production. Lots of US wells are being shut down because they are not economically feasible to operate at current prices.
Wow. Just..... wow! I see that Prius drivers aren't immune from the fear=FUD thing. Personally? I don't care. In a nation where obesity kills a lot more people than almost anything else, I'm cool with high corn prices...speaking of which, with gas at $1.60 a gallon and corn at $4 a bushel why is everybody flopping and twitching about this????? Much of the corn grown in this nation is used to fatten cows, make hooch, or fatten people. I'm thinking that burning it in cars is probably one of the better uses for the stuff, although I can understand how the API would feel threatened by alkyhaul and want to stamp it out. I saw the same thing with hybrids about 15 years ago. The stickers on my gas pumps say "up to 10%"........and I live on free soil. People with antique vehicles (a.k.a. sanctioned mass polluters) and the tin foil hat crowd are allowed to buy E0 if they want to. I always buy E10.....which prrobably isn't REALLY E10 because I'm thinking that the GAS part of the gasohol is cheaper than the alky. Some of the nicer gas stations are even offering E0 (at least they "claim" to) instead of the grungier Mom and Pop places.....but I'm not going to pay $0.25 more a gallon for E0 because there is no reason to. ALL of my vehicles were designed to burn E10-E15. ......nuff said.
...I guess you are saying if alky costs more than gaso, then they might try to put less alky in there during splash blending. I do not really know what kind of control there is. I have looked at ethanol prices, and they tend to be equal (up and down) with gasoline these days, not sure current trend.
Neither me too......but with oil at sub $50 levels, and corn north of $3.75 there ought to be a way to calcu-guess which one is cheaper to add. Somebody who lives where they sell E85 might be able to chime in, but there are taxes and kickbacks to be considered as well as compliance. One of the reason that you see a lot of cars in the deep south with yellow gas caps (flexfuel) but you don't see a lot of E85 fuel is that E10 is just plain cheaper. Big oil can probably sell more E85 in bluer states because of the higher margins created by taxes and incentives. If you live where fuel is about $1.60 there simply is no need for E85.
Yeah right, Ethanol doesn't harm carbs or fuel systems. Thats' what keeping me busy - repair, rebuild, or replace damaged fuel systems, carbs from the ethanol. From your wallet iright into mine. DBCassidy
I don't know of any meaningful theory. The big problem in the US is the government getting into the business of subsidizing crops for political purposes having nothing to do with food. All it does is distort the market and routes taxpayer money to big corporations, usually the big agricultural corporations.
Long, long ago. When my dad bought his farm in the 1970s, he looked into various government farmer support programs. His take on those programs was the following quote to me: "Farming the government is very different than farming land." Now I understand, decades later.
Without the ethanol mandate, it would still likely be corn. It is a major animal feed and sugar source.
...could be our other Fed-subsidized crop (soy beans) but yes we are mono-farmers (or whatever the word is). But ethanol growth is diverting natural land to farms.
Just filled up with NO-Ethanol premium. I really think the car has more power....not that I need more power, if I did, I would not be driving a Prius...
I think your gas is already at E15, they just being modest. Anytime we crossed Mississippi west we lost a few MPG, YMMV indeed
Ethanol free gas stations are listed by state at You may or may not have luck at finding some in your area. I live in the Chicago area. There are none near me unfortunately.
In the future, there will probably be regular and premium electricity. Then at some point the government will probably mandate organic electrons be added to the power lines.
That's funny in IOWA that they have that E0 available. Many of us cannot get it because ethanol is mandated in certain areas.