Yeah... our dealer isnt marking them up and don't see a lot of dealers doing so... The ones that do are the ones that markup a Camry or a Corolla....
My dealer said that the default Softex color is likely to be a true black (as on the RAV4). My guess is that Dark Gray / Misty Gray are available as well (in addition to the Harvest Beige), but it seems like the true black might be a good stark contrast to the white areas. Anyway, he should have the specific details over the next few days, so let's see.
He should have had the Specific Details last month... Interior Colors 1. Moonstone Fabric on Prius Two, Prius Two Eco and Prius Three SofTex® on Prius Three Touring, Prius Four and Prius Four Touring 2. Black Fabric on Prius Two, Prius Two Eco and Prius Three SofTex® on Prius Three Touring, Prius Four and Prius Four Touring 3. Harvest Beige Fabric on Prius Two, PriusTwo Eco and Prius Three SofTex® on Prius Four
All the sight lines, especially what were the blind spots in Gen 3--side rear, both sides. Others (though not me) had troubles with the front oblique views because of the pillars. How well the safety technology works to deal with whatever blind spots remain. How well the safety technology works for the other stuff it's supposed to do. (No, I'm not asking you to almost get in accidents to see . . . . . .) As someone who is rapidly getting old, this is important for my next car. Thanks!
The sight lines, especially up front, is greatly improved! Safety tech works really well. The ICS actually brought me to a stop a couple times while we were moving it in with cover on. Comes up with a BRAKE warning too! The adaptive cruise only works full speed of a car is in front of you. Once a car moves and you're going less than about 25 it'll pause the system.
The adaptive cruise works all the way down to a complete stop, at which point you can tap the throttle, or hit resume on the stalk.
It's not "in the dash" it's on the console near the armrest. There's also another for the rear passengers.
It's between the cupholder and the centre console box. The 2nd one that used to live inside the centre console box is now at the rear of the console box for rear passengers. I don't understand why Toyota can't just offer a USB port to charge. It's universal and almost everyone has a USB charging cable. A 12V outlet means you need to buy a "car charger" or an adapter that has 12V-to-USB.
I was thinking for a garmin. It might have a usb power cable too, not sure. So outlet a bit of a stretch. Suppose you could just wire one in, under dash. So much cobbling tho.
Yeah, I think most car GPS systems are a 12v plug, and so are most small inverters. The 12v is also needed for those high profit smoker's package. A cheap, 12v to USB adapter is easily found. Not pretty, but less work than wiring in an outlet.
and you need it for the goop compressor in the 'no spare' models, when you get a flat on a cold rainy night in nowheresville usa. there must be a usb somewhere, maybe still inside the console box?
But can it charge. The Sonic has a USB port in the glove box for a music stick, but it isn't powered for charging.
i'm sorry, i meant the 12v outlet. that's why usb isn't the only thing necessary. looking at the interior pics, there seem to be two, behind the rear upholder near the center console box. one of each?