It all started in 2004 with a 1994 Mazda Miata - over the next few years I spent more time under this car than with my girlfriend, but I learned so many things. I changed the engine myself, swapped the whole ABS system (something everyone was saying it can't be done), changed the transmission more than a few times, supercharged it, turbocharged it, changed the suspension 4 times and ended up spending close to 20 times it's value in modifying it. Extremely fast car with which I beat a Nissan GTR (on hossiers) in the National tour of San Diego a few years back. Now it unfortunately seats in a climate controlled garage waiting for me to come play with it but there is just not enough time. 2096 lbs dynoed at 335 whp - extremely fast car My Audi, is pretty much a normal A6 but with fully adjustable Koni suspension and low offset wheel - classy everyday drive served me well over the last 7 years. My other 1994 Mazda miata is just replica of my road legal (?) race car - it just have fully adjustable konis and low offset wheels - it was made to be a comfortable daily driver and a true canyon racer. I got my BMW S1000RR when my old yamaha started creating a transmission issue. This bike is faster than any production car in the world - a ride on it makes everything else seem slow. Did 1,000 miles the first two days after getting it. Hit 164 MPH a few hours after buying and a week later clocked (and written) for doing 107 mph in a canyon road where the limit was 50 mph! Since then I try to restrict myself - something easier said than done in a bike that is faster than a McLaren P1. Arancio Borealis Lamborghini Gallardo - after spending $100K on a miata I realized that I wanted something that was made to be fast from the start, so I got myself this little car. I couldn't be happier - since my commute to work is very short I daily driving it very often. I'm also racing it and working in it whenever there maintenance required. 2008 Prius One owner (friend) 128K miles, Navi, back up cam and leather - I just got this 2 weeks ago and I wanted it to replace my aging audi. A couple of days after getting it I got into the situation where I was driving my Lamborghini to my garage and taking the Prius out to drive to the airport (for my current business trip to be exact). I almost crashed on the first corner which made me a bit uneasy about my purchase! During my flight I ordered: 1) One set of fully adjustable (Street) Megan Coilovers 2) 17x8 Low Offset wheels 3) 215/45-17 Tires I'm not expecting it to accelerate like a lambo but at least to have some decent handling and active safety Then the next thing was the seats - it came standard with leather seats but they are probably the most plain and uncomfortable seats I ever sat on. I found a set of really nice recaro leather seats - fully electric, heated with lumbar support from an Audi S4. My plan is to fit these in the prius - I think the seats is the most important thing in a vehicle you spend time putting miles on so let hope they will fit! I also have the rear bench (also heated) which it would be nice if I could transfer but I'm not sure if it can be done and how much it would cost. All in all I don't have the car for more than 2 weeks and I have spend more than the purchasing price is accessories...
I don't get it. The question that I just can't understand is WHY? You have a Lambo, you have a short commute, you race cars, and yet you have a Prius for???.....then to say you've thrown more money at it than the purchase price. I just don't get it........
You are not the only one - I don't always make sense! I do drive a lot and it's not uncommon to drive from San Diego to LA and back on the same day. I hate getting stuck in the traffic in the Lambo so I typically drive the Audi, which is getting older and not so reliable anymore. When the weather is nice the bike is the way to go but I hate driving the S1000RR when it's too cold or too warm. My master plan is to part out or sell the racecar miata, sell the audi and keep the Lambo, the Prius, stock miata and S1000RR. The prius is supposed to replace the audi in long and boring commutes from LA to SD.
Keeping a car bone stock is never a bad idea, miatas are great cars to learn car control! Btw I just came back from a quick (3 day trip to hotel Portofino - for a corporate party). It really doesn't mater but since everyone here is mpg curious, the Lambo did 196.5 freeway miles at the posted freeway speed most of the time (with a few exceptions of course) and consumed 13.5 gallons of 91 octane gas. The biggest issue - in longer trips is that you can't fit anything bigger than my Tag Heuer bag. I just got the Megan street coilovers - at a price just shy of $1k they better be good! More pictures later... Here is my car - currently stock height