I am thinking of adding a remote control start but I am not ready to give up my smart key entry... any solution to keep my smart key and add remote starter to my Prius 2005?
I just installed a crimestopper rs7-G5 remote car starter and idatalink ads-tb-tl bypass module on 2009 Prius.
How difficult was the install on the '09 Prius. I was looking do install one for my wife's car in the next couple of weeks and don't want to bite off more than I can chew.
It's not the first time that I installed a remote car starter. Installing a remote car starter on prius is similar on installing a remote car starter on other vehicles. I removed the steering wheel covers, driver side kick panel (for lock and unlock wires), lower and mid driver side dash board. If it will be your first time, I suggest to gather all the necessary information on your prius panel removal, wiring diagram prius to remote start and bypass module. Have a DMM, 12Vdc light probe, and plastic panel pryer on hand.
I was wondering if the sks still works with the toyota fob after installing the rs7-G5. Or does the G5 remote replace the original fob completely?
We have the factory remote start on our 2012 Camry and very seldom use it. The range is the same as the sks remote. LOUSY !! I have had Crime Stopper remote starters on several previous cars and they had 1000 range not 50 ft like the factory units.And last I checked they were less expensive then the factory units.