F9/11 is out in New York today... has anyone had the chance to see it? (also, might I add that I am quite thrilled that I'll be able to see it on the cheap at the theater closest to my house as opposed to having to drive into Boston and paying an outrageous ticket price. Yay wide distro!)
I'm seriously considering catching the midnight (12:01 AM) showing at Rio on Thursday night (here in the Washington DC area). Anyone else?
I rented the first DVD of their first season, and I was not impressed. While I agreed with most of what they said (except their pro-smoke piece) I thought it was poorly done, and there was no new information in it.
Just got back from a midnight showing of Fahrenheit 9/11. First off, the theater was nearly full. I'm guessing maybe 200? 300? people total, for a midnight showing (Thursday/Friday), in the suburbs of DC. I don't really want to give away the ending or anything <smirk>, except to say that "you'll laugh, you'll cry." I know that's pretty cliche, but its basically what happened. As a guy, its pretty much illegal for me to cry, but I damn near did during parts of the movie. I didn't think it was possible, but my dislike for this Administration went up a notch tonight.
It's kind of a shame that the Republicans are in charge (well, obviously). I mean, I think Michael Moore was much more at ease in the 90s, when he was bashing the Democrats and Clinton for being such a bunch of pathetic Republican-lite wimps, tackling the evils of big business etc, while mocking the Republicans. Bashing the Republicans in power is just too easy, and I'm not sure he's that comfortable being dragged into the "mainstream" like this. He's no fan of the Democrats, and I don't think he actively supports Kerry, as far as I know. At least his next film is going back to Columbine-type form; he's going after the US's backward healthcare system, which neither major party seems inclined to do anything about. And after Kerry wins, I have no doubt he'll be all over him like a rash if he turns out to be as timid as he seems.
My wife and I are going to see it Saturday @ 5pm at the Silver in Silver Spring, MD. BTW, Michael Moore is going to be interviewed by Al Franken this afternoon on Air America Radio in addition to interviews with Ron Reagan Jr., and Bill Clinton!!
What? You mean you don't enjoy clubbing baby seals? Or shooting caged birds? : ) He took a few swipes at Democrats in the movie, mostly for not standing up to Bush when he asked for the power to take us into Iraq. Shouldn't they be spreading out all those high-profile interviews over a week or something?
Perhaps they should have spread their interviews over a week. It did however make for one of the most interesting shows I've heard yet on the O'Franken factor.
I saw it yesterday. My comments are in the other 9/11 thread, so I won't repeat, except to say: SEE THIS MOVIE!