can I put 195/60r15 tires on my prius, technically there supposed to be 185/65r15. bur i've been told small differences don't matter. is this true?
It is my understanding that it's OK to do what you intend. Folk with more expertise than I will most probably chime in, but I think you're OK to put 195s or even 205s on. Good luck, and welcome to PriusChat!
I just put size 195/60 15 on my 2006, no issues. 205/60 15 is supposed to make your mph closer to actual speed. TomK
yes 205/60r15 is the best choice. accurate speedo and extra traction. I would not recommend sticking with the lousy GY integritys though. some of the worst tires I've ever used.
The 205/60 15 tires are 24.6" circumference while 195/65 15 tires are 25" circumference, my garmin agrees with my vehicle speedometer when I run 195/65 15 tires, does yours when you run smaller circumference tires?
I don't have a garmin, but since the oem 185/65r15 are shorter than 205/60's, the speedo is more accurate with the 205's. the only evidence I have is the radar speed signs which our local govts. like to use to keep us from speeding (it doesn't work). with oem 185's, my speedo will read 1-2 mph faster than the sign tells me I'm going. with 205/60, its usually right on.
Right, on my '06 the 205/60 15 tires are 24.6" circumference while 195/65 15 tires are 25" circumference, my garmin agrees with my vehicle speedometer when I run 195/65 15 tires, does yours when you run smaller circumference tires? Thinking you should be ignored
My best experience was with the 205/60/R15, until I switched to my new rims. The small tire size might be less money, but I'd spend the extra few dollars to get the 205's.
I guess if accuracy of the speedo is very important to you the 195's might be a better choice. the 205/60 probably handles a little better, and definitely looks a little better too. sure wish I could have fit those 225's I got with my traklites... just couldn't bring myself to modify the wheel openings.