I have opportunity to have a Prius Four for the next week via the dealership I work for and I wanted to see what people wanted to see or check before they had the chance to see it themselves... Is there is anything that anyone wants me to check, outside of the driving (they don't won't let me put too many miles on it)?
I mean, in my opinion, as a 6'4" guy, it feels about the same... although I do notice that the front seats can can move much further back so I think that that is the reason for the number drop... @priusfan500 I'll check again when I get back to work but I never noticed it when I turned the signal on.
I appreciate your offer and have some suggestions to measure the Gen-4 performance. Prepare your cell phone with: recording, car performance APP often requires setup, may be too distracting . . . except for technophiles recording trip GPS start and forget, no overhead audio recording in the charger, gives better car noise for analysis Gen-4 charging option if available great place to record the data of interest your weight that day Practice with your cell phone and car: start recording car performance APP start trip recording GPS many integrate with Google Earth to give trip details audio recording leave cell phone on the charging station During your drive, find a flat, low traffic area where you can safely do a maximum acceleration to over 60 mph. Check all apps to make sure they are running. Do the maximum acceleration, Save the data and share it with us with the location and direction of the maximum acceleration test. <GRINS> Jason of Jalopnick had the good sense to make a cell phone, video record of the speedometer during a maximum acceleration test. Of all of the 'tests', it was the only one that gave independent insights to the car's performance: Using APPs designed to measure car performance would avoid having to transcribe the video into a spreadsheet and math-machinations to derive the data. We've pretty well figured out the car performance but I assumed: the 'Two ECO' weight; six gallons of gas; the driver's weight, and; modified 2010 roll-down coefficients (scaled the second order by the ratio of coefficients of drag.) If you have an iPhone, I'll be happy to survey and recommend some APPs and test them with our 2010 Prius. I have no doubt Android owners would do the same. Thanks, Bob Wilson
Does the brake feel grabby like the Gen 3? This is caused by the regen brake switching to mechanical brake at the last minute and not being smooth about it.
Ive only driven at slow speeds but the brakes do feel more "normal" but I can't go off the lot with it. I have noticed when the engine turns on and off you almost can't tell so if you try to judge if you're on EV by feel... you might have a hard time
Do you still have the choice of choosing ev-mode before the engine turns on at a cold start ? In gen. 3 you have ten seconds time to choose ev-mode until the engine comes on after pressing the "Power" button . I would hate to miss out on moving away dead silent in the morning ! No we also allways get the turn signals on the mirror in Europe ! I have no idea why US version of the Prius doesn't get them !? Maybe European and Japanese models need to have them by law !?
When I look at Bob Wilsons queries it kind of reminds me of Star Trek: The Voyage Home when Spock is taking a massive interactive computer test, then freezes after getting all the answers to complex questions and scenarios correct, when the computer asks "How Do You Feel?". In comparison to Bob's questions, anything I ask is going to be a "How Do You Feel?" moment. So I guess I say, enjoy the experience....and let us know how you feel about it.
There is no truth to the rumor that this is how I see the world: Mine has blue-green tint and my ordinance is a muzzle loader, 50 cal., Thompson: Bob Wilson
For everyone that asked about the Turn signals on the mirrors There isnt anything there... just Chrome EV-Mode can be pressed right at startup but I still think its conditional in terms of operation. YES! FINALLY! There is not a delay that I noticed. But yes the Third Gen did have a slight pause... not here