And yes, I read the FAQ which answered a lot of other questions but not this one. I hope I didn't miss it because someone will surely let me know! My first stop light leaves me stopped on a steep hill - really steep maybe 8 or even 10% for 5 or 6 car lengths. Most times I can restart without the ICE coming on but sometimes I don't move until the ICE kicks in. When that happens would I be better off to just switch to HV mode until the ICE warm up is over or stay in EV? The one time I switched to HV/ECO, it seemed to hold more charge in the EV battery than the 2 times I stayed in EV mode. Based on your experience, which do you think is best?
I can see this happening, particularly if you have used a couple of EV miles by the time you get to the stop light. Generally HV mode will keep the EV range nearly constant. (Possibly within the KWH range of a standard Prius battery around the state of charge when switched.) On the other hand by staying in EV mode it will try to be as energy efficient as possible.
As I understand it, after the ICE starts for cabin heat or momentary power-boost purposes, the PIP will still use the EV battery for traction if it can. That's so the ICE can run at lower torque and use less fuel while coming up to temp. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe if you switch to HV mode, it will draw more traction power from the ICE and less from the battery.
congrats on your pip! where are you located, is it temp related? the ice shouldn't fire from the gas pedal unless you drive the hsi bar into the power zone. (which can happen if you have to punch it to go up a steep hill) and there is a delay to the hsi bar, which makes it difficult to know how hard you're pressing the gas.
ICE is coming on due to how much I'm pressing the pedal. I'll surely get better at it but sometimes I don't start moving on that hill until the ICE kicks in. Hill Assist helps.
oh no - I always think I have hills here in Roswell GA - foothills of the Appalachians - until I visit San Fran! Then I feel like we have no hills here!