Prius forum, 2012 Prius c Two 17,985 Miles 36 PSI in all tires I got some incredible MPG today driving from Gatlinburg to Pigeon Forge Tn. There is some downhill and the speed is usually under 45 MPH so as I entered Pigeon Forge the MPG was 68.3. The traffic through PF(all level ground) was moving very slowly so I was able to "hypermile". I would just barely touch the gas pedal and then let off and coast for some time. The MPG slowly rose to 88.9. I suspect the MPG algorithm is a forward moving average so the downhill trip helped. Has anyone experienced mileage like this? Jerry D.
Unless there is something much different about the 'c' that I don't recall being mentioned, the trip meter MPGs should be true MPGs for the particular number of miles of that displayed trip meter. No moving or weighted averages. Even very shallow downhills, handled correctly, can produce very high readings. In regular Prii, certainly. But since the latest site overhaul, I don't see the old photo albums to show it.
As you can see in my avatar, that kind of mpg reading is impossible. Especially over longer distances. Actual figure (display only goes to 99.9) measured at the pump was 114 mpg.
High numbers on predominantly downhill routes don't count for much. How 'bout a round-trip (or complete loop) figure?
My figure is for a continuous loop and over 500 miles. This counts for the highest MPG recorded for a Prius c on this site. I'll admit that doesn't count for much, but it is what it is. i assume you were responding to my post. If not, it is still what it is.
Got 3.4l/100km (69.3mpg us) recently with 4 adults in the car driving about 60km (37 miles) distance on basically level ground, highway, city, traffic, etc. so, yes.
How does this figure compare with your usual, average, real-life (as in "measured at the pump") figures?
I reply only because my posting is quoted. How does your post have any relevance to this thread or my post? The Fit is an undeniably great little car, but this is a Prius forum.
I reply only because this forum requires a certain amount of minimum replies and days on the forum before I can create a thread... I'm a hypermiling, potential Prius owner who desires to fulltime in their Prius. You use Fuelly, as do I (not that a new member can link to their Fuelly profile *sigh*) so I took a stab at a reply. Take care.
unfortunately, this is not typical. It's my wife's car and her last tank was 4.5l/100km as per the car's display but closer to 4.9 measured at the pump). Yesterday we took a drive about an hour away on the highway and got 4.5 going going but only 5.3 coming back (strong headwind). It's still very good I think.
Best mileage I did in one trip was 66mpg, going one way in stop and go traffic over ~120 miles with myself and the wife in the car. Most of the time I was doing 45-55mph and actively trying to use the EV battery, driving grandma style, when I could.
djdawn, I travel from Oceanside, to Poway, via Gopher Canyon Road. Mornings: I get about 54/55mph (as I leave at 5:30 a.m.). Afternoons, going back to Oceanside to my home near the back gate of Camp Pendleton, I get at least 63 mpg. I make sure my car doesn't have any extra gear. My sweet spot is 67 mph on the open road. The 15 is 70mph north of Escondido. My ration for the 60+ mpg is that it's downhill (1,200 feet at Poway to 57 feet in Oceanside). Of course there are ups and downs -- and Hidden Meadows is the "high spot". I watch my footfeed on the grade up Gopher Canyon from the 15. Then it is pretty much coast down hill to Little Gopher Canyon; wrap on 76 to North River Road.
When I used to drive a whole lot more for work, I'd get ~47-55mpg leaving from Escondido to Harbor Dr downtown, driving @ 75-80mph at 5:50am. Driving back would be ~45-55mpg depending on the time of day. I tend to not pay attention to what's in my car, but it's not THAT much in my opinion: Jumper cables, blanket, umbrella, change of clothes, toiletries, usb batteries etc. I suppose the wife is in there too, but she's barely 100lbs. She has a strange tendency to jump in the car when I go someplace non work related. Regarding the 60+mph idea in open road, I suppose it depends on the flatness of the road, in/decline, and if anyone else is around? Personally I've never been able to sustain >65mpg while driving at also >65mph, perhaps its my particular car with too much stuff on/in it? In my case at 65mph I would get ~57-59mpg at best, and only goes down from there. In this case I'm only talking about "medium" trips 20-30 mins. I haven't actively tried to beat it, but best I've ever done in a medium trip was 59mpg, and I want to say it was from Escondido to Pendleton at ~530am as well. TBH I'm sure I was doing 60-65mph by instinct if no one is around. For the 5-10 min trips, I'd done some weird numbers from 13mpg to 99mpg so I tend to ignore those. Fun bragging rights I guess.
Just for fun in Yellowstone NP, I drove late at night at 35 mph all the way from Old Faithful to Madison campground and got 91 mpg. This was slightly downhill all the way. The return trip the next morning at 35 mph netted 61mpg (slightly uphill all the way). The average for the round trip was 75 MPG. Low speeds are the Toyota hybrid system's forte. BTW for the whole trip from Colorado to Yellowstone and back netted 57 mpg, not exceeding 65 mph. As far as one way on a downhill trip "cheating" I went from Evergreen Colorado (I am guessing 7500 ft elevation to Denver, 5200 feet elevation, and pulled into the driveway with 99 mpg on the dash display. Don't ask what the return trip MPGs would be. It would be comparatively awful like in the high 40's
Very good mileage! From our local shopping center to home is about 11 miles. Technically it is all still a part of the foothills of the Sierra, all the way to Sacto. One time I got 185 mpg. Doing the speed limit all the way. In HV/Eco naturally.
I have only had my prius c 4 for a few months. my best trip mileage so far is 71.2 on a 40 mile back road trip to atlanta