My wife's 2013 Prius Persona just went over 70k. I thought he tires looked good until I noticed the inner tire wear. Idiot mistake on my part. I am looking for some good recommendations. Looking for comfort, but also don't want them to wear out in 30k miles.
Couldn't pass up the deal on 4 Michelin MXM4 for 85 bucks each. They came up as an option for my car when typed into tire rack, but it says Honda OE tread. They had other MXM4 for the 150ish range. Doesn't matter to me. Plus a 70 dollar mail in rebate. Michelin Primacy MXM4
916Prius, what's on there now? Ours came with Michelin Pilot HX MXM4. No complaints and surprisingly decent mpg. Could be I just don't know any better though. They are very costly to replace, not sure why.
My German market Auris hybrid came from the factory with Michelin Primacy HP 215 45R17 87W 6 years and 41k km later, they look pretty darn good. I get awesome mpg with them.
its a 2013 Prius came with Bridgestone Turanza. Got the new ones installed today. Didn't get to drive it much so can't give a review.
Mine originally came with Toyo tires. They only lasted 37,000 miles. I switched to the Bridgestone Ecopia 422's and I am very happy with my mileage and performance.
The Plus. The ride is pleasant, quieter than the Toyo's. I did not take an mpg hit when I switched, and after about 6,000 miles, I noticed a 1-2mpg increase per gallon... I'm running nitro at 38/37psi. Now that we are having 40 degree swings between day and night, it is nice to not have to drag out the compressor and compensate...