Any feedback on the block heaters? Been thinking of getting one for the winter months? Any help would be appreciated! Rich
Do a search for "block heater" in the Accessories and Modifications area. You'll find at least 2 good threads on this subject. I'd link them, but I don't have enough posts yet. Since this is my 4th post, maybe I can link them now: maybe not. Almost there.... Now I can. C Block Heater Block Heater Questions
I installed mine yesterday, super easy have not used it yet but Im sure Ill be happy I have it this winter!
I just installed my block heater also. HOWEVER - I broke the vent. The darn thing is half plastic. I super glued it back together and it SEEMS OK but I want a new one. HELP. DOES ANYONE KNOW THE PART NUMBER? The Toyota dealer parts men spent about an hour looking for it. We all gave up.
Resurrecting this old thread to ask if anyone knows how much power the Prius C block heater draws from the wall socket....?
It's not the exact same part, but I ran into an aftermarket alternative that had specs: Toyota Block Heater Kit Engine Heater Kit Toyota New Toyota Engine Heater | eBay As showing on that auction: 120 Volts. 400 Watts of heating power
400 watts. It's not as powerful as a typical block heater is on a normal car. It doesn't need to be. The Prius C considers itself to be warmed up at 100 degrees - the exact temperature that the block heater holds it at. Now if you want heat - the engine will run until the coolant is above 120. This takes only a minute or two.
Regular Prius block heater is 400 too. D.O. for our previous Civic block heater. Two hours is the sweet spot for pretty thorough heat up, anything over one hour is gonna help. It'll raise the coolant temp about 20C of ambient temp. Basically means the car'll be shutting down at lights a lot sooner. How soon depends on time of year and temps. Toyota Canada website shows it as an installed accessory for a bit under $250, fwiw.