Consult Lexus Navigation for the latest release notes. (Oct 2017: Looks like the website is no longer available) What System Do I Have? *Disclaimer. This is a rough guide. Consult your local Toyota dealer for the exact generation of your headunit. 2001-2003 Prius: Gen 3 (Latest map is 2013, v13.1) 2004-2005 Prius: Gen 4 (Latest map is 2015, v16.1) 2006-2009 Prius: Gen 5 (Latest map is 2015 ,v17.1) 2010-2011 Prius: Gen 6 2012-2015 Prius: Gen 7 2016-? Prius: Gen 8 (includes Prime) 2012-2013 Prius v: Gen 7 2014-2018 Prius v: Gen 8 2012-2013 Prius c: Gen 7 2014-? Prius c: Gen 8
The 2015 Entune update didn't include any map update, right? How much does Toyota charge for the map update?
Lexus nav information is available again at: Lexus | FAQ | Navigation Click Here for information on which Lexus Navigation GEN your vehicle model/year uses. (Link to the current version of the table above.) When will the next Navigation update be available for purchase from my Lexus dealer? Version 16.1 is the newest map update available for purchase from your Lexus dealer for any Lexus vehicle using GEN6 and higher hardware. It was released Fall 2017. Version 18.1 will be available in Fall 2018. Toyota FAQ: Where can I purchase navigation system map updates? Navigation map updates can be purchased through your local Toyota dealership. The software is typically updated annually in the fall. We recommend that you consult with your local Toyota dealership before making your purchase because the updates may not be significant in your driving area. Also, please note that areas of detailed mapping are primarily located around population centers.