I was sitting in a new Highlander at the Toyota dealership playing with the power driver seat. Wow is that ever nice. The Prius seat seems too flat for me and in order to get my legs supported I'm too far from the steering wheel. The power seat option on the highlander is only $410 and it looks about the right size too. The parts mgr said something about it voiding the warranty even if it would fit which he had no idea of course. I'm sure there are issues with safety. I've got the side air bag so that's another problem too. I would have gladly paid another $500 for that seat. Guess I'm dreaming for now unless Toyota offers it next year and it can be adapted. My other option of course is to have my arms lengthened, lol. I don't like my choices here.
I'm with you. I am finding that my right knee starts to hurt while I'm driving. If I slide the seat back far enough for my legs, I'm too far from the steering wheel. I'm 5'7" fwiw. I've been a GMC Jimmy driver for 7yrs with 6 way (or so) electric adjustable drivers seat so this is hard to get used to. I'm thinking of using a small cushion by my right knee, secured to the front left of the console, so that I can relax my leg. For all the talk about the luxery car features, that's one Toyota missed!
This is my dilema too....but I'm about 5'11" and even with the seat all the way back there is just no comfortable position for my right leg. I usually have to sit with my heel in front of the brake pedal driving with my toes/ball of the foot with my leg externally rotated at the hip. My knee is then under constant torque. I have to adjust, to give my knee a rest, every 15 min. or so by putting my hip in a more neutral position and my heel more in front of the accelerator, but then my thigh is off of the seat completely and my hip starts getting tired keeping my foot from falling and pressing on the pedal and keeping my leg from rotating. I've been searching, so far unsuccessfully, for some sort of cushion that is almost flat on one side then there's a big rounded bulge at the other that would fit nicely in the seat and not slide around that would act as a better thigh support. It would need to be a pretty firm material, not a foam cushion that would just crush down. I sure wish the seat bottm tilted--that and about 2-3" more draw for the seat going back. --evan
5-8 here. The alignment mechanic I drove with today had the same problem and he was about 6'. I was comparing the mounts (roughly) to the Highlander and it appears to be very similar in shape, size, location, even the color was pretty close. I'm going to look further into this. If I have to I may just get spacers fabricated to raise the front of the seat slightly, maybe an inch if it looks like I can do this safely.
I've been thinking of going to a place that customizes vans and similar work to see what they could do with the drivers seat. :roll:
[Broken External Image]:http://relaxtheback.com/global/images/full/super/BS2225_spr.jpg Thanks for the link, but they don't really have anything, that I can see, that would work except for maybe this type of pillow that's not really designed for that purpose...but maybe it would work if it's deep enough (i.e. would fill the seat front to back)[/img]
Efusco, Relax The Back has many different cushions and seat attachments. Both my wife and I use items from them. I use a memory foam and she uses one of the metal seat frames. They can also custom fit foam if you go into the store.
Thought I was the only one who had knee problems. I found a nice blue cushion in the same color blue as my rear seat throw pillows. This cushion has a rubberized surface on one side so it doesn't slide off the seat getting in or out. It's just thick enough to provide support under my leg without putting my head up too high. I'm 6'2". Works fine and is comfy. I got mine at Fred Meyer's, for what that's worth. I think they are fairly available. Experiment...there are lots of cushions out there. It's apparent that the seats are a bit too low and the reason our knees hurt is because the underside of the leg is not properly supported. My knee hurts when I lift my foot off the accelerator if I don't use the cushion. Added bonus: the cushion protects the seat from dirt. Bob
Being that I am Japanese-sized (about 5'5") I am feeling lucky to not have the above difficulties getting comfortable in the drivers seat. I do have a complaint that isn't height-dependent, though, I find most (all?) carseats too firm and always use a sheepsking as a pad. It doesn't fix it totally, but it does assist. When I had the car "soundproofed" with the dynamat-like stuff, the manager was telling me all the stuff he could do for the driver's seat. If I were you guys, I'd be down there (auto-custom shop) this morning. If you have luck with the power seat, Fred, I would be interested Good luck