Hello all, I have a 2008 fully loaded Prius. Keyless entry. it will not lock but pressing the black nubs or via either set keys. It some times beeps or does nothing. I verified all doors are closed and there is no door open light on the dash. Every time I exit the car the car gives 3 beeps and the key light on the dash flashes. Any ideas? Nodent
On the Gen II, you have a button under the steering column about where your knees are that turns off the SKS system. Press this button to make sure this has not been turned off. If you have two SKS fobs and both of them will not work with the door sensors, make sure one of the fobs is not in the car while trying to lock with the other. It will not let you lock your other key in the car! It will also beep at you and give you a message "Key Detected in Vehicle". If only one of the fobs does not work, I might suspect a low battery in that fob, but it sounds like you have two fobs and neither work. Is this correct? I am not sure about the 3 beeps but the key light flashing on the dash is the security system indication. This is normal.
Did some more analyzing. Both FOBs had batteries changed. This happens every time. 1.) shut off car 2.) fob exits the vehicle ( did not shut the door, just got out.) 3.) 1 long internal beep, 3 short external beeps. 4.) unable to lock car. 5.) walk away for several minutes. 6.) Fobs lock and unlock the car. it's strange.
3 beeps means that the car thinks you are taking the smart key out of the car while the hybrid system is still on (Ready). Either: You have a bad 12v battery or You have a bad combination meter or You are forgetting to turn the car off.
See here to check the 12V battery yourself (it's easy to do): http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html
I think I figured it out. Wierd, but I had a set of 2-way radios charging in the center console. When I unplugged them the problem went away. I will plug them back in and see. Nodent
For anyone reading this thread trying to understand your own locking issues, be aware that the OP edited the original post after the answers were posted. Originally he said he was getting three beeps, which is a different issue than one long beep. One long beep means that the car can't lock. Generally this is because of an open door or hatch, or that another key fob has been left inside the car. In the OP's case, the extra radios were probably confusing the SKS. Tom
When Smart meets Smart LOL. Yes, same Smart-Key problem, but not sure if my fix applies here, but the following was definitely an confirmed easy-fix for my S/K fail...kinda funny actually. I noticed that my USB cig-lighter charging-hub's blue LED pilot light was still on after normal power-down, shouldn't have had hot cig-lighter port when car was off...hummmm? Well, it turns out that I had my battery-bank gismo plugged into the console power-port and charging whenever car was driven, that's fine, except when I powered down the car, my Portable-Battery-Bank gismo (for emergency charging of my mobile devices) inadvertently provided power to cig-lighter and aux 12vdc receptacles in console box. Evidently the S/K electrical system saw this and didn't like the voltage present, and refused to lock when black door-buttons or FOB buttons were pushed, it saw something still on I guess....I simply unplugged battery-bank which was providing a mere back-fed USB 5vdc voltage signal and watched the blue USB LED pilot light go out like it should and Presto-Fixo (mine happened to be a cheap solar-charged model for my smart phone backup power). When Smart meets Smart, all is not well....So, please unplug all 12v devices from 12 volt power ports before rebuilding your Smart Key system.
To confirm...console and cig 12v power ports are on same line, so console-port fed the cig-port in this case.