This commercial *really* appeals to the photographer in me. I can watch it over and over, and still pick out new and interesting details, whether it's the car (which at times, looks so saturated, that I assume CG), floating silk, camera gear, models, makeup technique, etc. I *want* to see this again and again. I can't say that about every commercial.
He had to cover up the brand name on his camera, so this is a non-starter for me. Won't be buying the car now. Just kidding.
This is a commercial I want to watch a few times. Can't say that about 'hum, hum, let's hum' or the first ecotopia commercials back in the 3rd gen intro days. Worst ever was for Prius c: "Eww, my Sushi went Pyushi....let's get a Gluten free alternantive". Wow that was gag worthy. Smart messages in commercial: 'something that grabs you inside' , 'not unapproachable', etc... Hafta say GM had some good ones for Volt: salesmen slapping hands 'no gas, no gas, no gas'. Can't beat good humor.
Thought that was Lincoln. Haven't watched this one yet, but there is a good one for the current Prius with their spokesperson playing nature filmer while a Prius stops at the nearby gas station.
As HTMLSpinnr mentioned, from a photography pov, I think it was a really nice commercial, something I could watch multiple times. This is not the first commercial to leave one wondering what it's really about until the end and I think it long as someone watches to the end. And I'm coming around to the profile view, at least in red and white. But even if I end up still not liking that view, it wouldn't keep me from buying. These days, the interior is more important and I'll need to see it in person to make a valid judgement. There are things I don't like and I need to see how they function in person.
agree. this is how Hyundai sold lots of it's cars with fake MPG numbers. why toyota can't do it the the real MPG numbers? this "commercial" would work if they only intended to sell the car to artists.
Yeah, Prius should only be advertised with specifications, facts and figures for analytical technophobes. Who is going to look at supermodels in car ads anyway? ** I want butterflies, fake waterfalls, kids doing cartwheels, and puhlease, MPG figures in LARGE print. I need to save another gallon per 500 miles over my gen3. ** Who? Not the old at heart, curmudgeons, Crabby Road types. They just get envious I suppose.
It's just part of the game......all manufacturershhave done it to some degree......none the less I hope Toyota doesn't go that far VS980 4G ?
All manufacturers aren't dissing a pure ev vehicle with range anxiety commercials while developing one at the same time.