First, I apologize if this has been covered but I don't know the term for these lights. I have a 2012 Prius and I've been having some lighting issues. The lights on the lower bumper, beneath the signal... the ones that are white in color... no longer turn on under any setting. I've checked the fuses I was able to find (is any one else missing the HL LO fuses entirely?) but didn't see any of them with any issues. What is the CORRECT name for these lights? So I can stop searching for context through this place? I believe these are LED, so the chances of BOTH sides going out are slim... right? I was looking in the manual to figure out specifically when these lights turn on... and my signal switch isn't a Type A, B, or C from the manual. WTH? Again, sorry if this has been covered, I really have no idea what these lights are called so searching is difficult. If anyone needs pictures I can provide them later.
They're LED DRLs. The only way to turn them off is to have the headlight stalk in DRL OFF setting. Otherwise, it might be a fuse that's blown.
Not aftermarket. Bought the car new in 2012. Speakers are aftermarket but I've already had the audio guys triple check that their work... Oddly enough I was driving today and the turned on. I didn't touch a thing. So I'm guessing bad connection. Nexus 6 ?