I have been reading countless posts on how bad the Prius C seats are but have yet to read the fix. Has anyone replaced/fixed the front seats of a 2013 Prius C to something that is not a medieval torture device? If anyone has a fix....Please tell me what you have done, what modifications works and what is most cost effective. We use this car as a commuter car and spend a lot of time in the seat. Thanks for your help guys!
It kind of depends on what you want to do, and how much time/money/effort you might want to throw at the problem. I kind of recommend easiest possible solution first...then you can escalate if necessary. So I would start out just trying some of the many, many cushions, back cushions and other products you can buy. If you're lucky, you'll find one or a combination that works. I guess I'm lucky. The Prius seats don't bother me.
What has worked for me is a descent lumbar pillow and leaning the seat back a couple of clicks. When I bought my first C in 2012 I started to have back problems and found this solution now I am fine.
Hey I made the same mistake years ago with my new 98 Camry, took me three years of pain to finally break the seats in...so now I drive any car I'm thinking of buying a lot before committing, I wasn't being flippant, just speaking from hard won experience.
its better than Corolla seat... no, there is no aftermarket seat bracket aside from a custom set... that with a aftermarket Recaro seat would be the Bomb!
ok...took the seat apart and added some high density foam and made a lumbar support using the same foam,,,way better comfort and was easy to do,,,took me longer to put those silly plastic retain clips holding the battery cover on then fixing the seat...cheers
a minor update to this topic. So, I've been in the process of trying to fit a Recaro seat out of a Evo VIII into my C2 for sometime now... And, today I was able to defeat the front driver side airbag dash light! It didn't work the first time I tried many months ago but I guess it just needed a firm push. I'm talking about a group of resistors in parallel to read 2.5 ohms simulating the resistance load of the seat airbag sensor... Yea, it no longer lights up w/ the resistors plug! Next, I'll be fitting the Recaro onto a universal seat bracket w/ height adjustments from Caribou seat company... I'll first size this bracket to the driver seat floor bolt positions... Keep you posted!