I just got in this accident, I spilled something on myself while I was turning and because I was distracted I hit a telephone pole. No damage to the telephone pole, but the Prius was pretty messed up by it. Completely cracked the front bumper, and a big dent in the side panel just above the front bumper. The side panel was pushed back a bit and now the passenger door won't open all the way, and the headlight is slightly off too. Does anyone have any advice? We're really worried that this is gonna cost a fortune.
i think your best bet would be to take it to a body shoppe. if you can't afford it, and you have no insurance, ask them how much just to get the door working and align the headlight. can you put up a picture?
hopefully you have full insurance you should pay your deductible whatever it may be and take it to a good Collision center if it's not already there they should give you a rent a car for the amount of time that you're without the Prius and because it's your fault you will not get the deductible backand you're looking at about a week without the car we had to my wife and I get the bumper replaced we had to get the left front quarter panel replaced we had to get the driver side mirror replace because someone decided to make a right at a stop sign so luckily we got our deductible back but when you spill something on yourself and crashed into a pole no insurance company is going to give you a deductible back so good luck Merged. so the damage that you speak about sounds like you're in about the range of 3000 to 3800 hopefully you have insurance Merged. I hope you learned a lesson don't use your phone don't text don't drink coffee you cannot multitask sorry to say and you're only 17 everything's against you
Bummer, similar thing just happened to me. So i'm happy to tell you it's not necessarily an age related thing. I have been driving for 16 years and never had an accident until yesterday. I looked down at my phone for a second or two, looked up, red light, rear-ended someone parked at the light. Only liability insurance, i'm on my own for repairs... I wonder how your story turned out?