I read through the manual but can't figure out how to change to mph on the speedometer. I saw the full size Prius has a button but I see no button on my Prius-c.
http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM52B58U/pdf/sec_2-2.pdf Page 10 of the PDF, Page 188 of the manual
I think it is rediculous that the dealerships are not changing the cars to MPH from kph during the pdi process. The car I drove was kph as well and I didn't notice until the car was moving.
Thanks. Was having the same issue. Could not find anything in the book. Who would have thought to look under odometer to convert the speedometer?
We were having this same problem last night at the dealership. Even the salesmen didn't know how to fix it. They finally got someone that could figure it out.
It must be in 'odometer' mode. If in the 'disp' sub-menus, this will not work. I was frustrated otherwise. I called the dealership to no avail. I thought I was speeding for my first trip!
I am so happy to have found this answer. The odometer display stayed lit even after the car was turned off, but eventually went blank. Hopefully, this problem is solved!x
Might be going on a road trip across the border tomorrow - will have to try this! I have a Master's in Chemistry but I still was never that good with arithmetic - so I need my speedometer to read the same units as the speed limit.
I just copy/paste here the section you need from page 188: Odometer Displays the total distance that the vehicle has been driven. Some models, pressing and holding the “TRIP” switch will switch the display between MPH and km/h.