Hi All, I'm sure, this question was asked, but I can't find it. So, I have a Gen. 3 Prius from Belgium, and the car does't have that change button, as the US. versions have. It is possible to change my speedometer from KMH to MPH? Thanks is advance!
I think that not all European countries will receive the same type of features for their vehicle. You'll have to wait until another member in Europe will answer.
I checked, but it says, you have to push that button, if there is. But no any comments, if there is no button.. Not yet, maybe I will ask it in the UK.
I was going to say, just read the alternate numbers on the speedometer, and then I realized: oh yeah, digital.
why? i thought miles were not used in continental europe? same for analog speedometers in european cars, no miles, right?
Dont know about changing but a simple cheap fix is, buy $5 ELM327 plug it in get a cheap $50 android phone, put Torque on it and get MPH reading there. Not the best way but you can fix phone infront of display to hide Km/h
Well here in the UK we have the KM/MPH button (along with the HUD button etc) - but that's probably because we use miles here for road signs, speed etc and not kilometers, so we need to be able to switch from one to the other if we drive elsewhere in europe.
Remove dashboard, extract the eeprom from the display board, read the memory, have someone change kmh to mph, reassemble, drive. There are other forums where members can help you change the eeprom memory. I just posted the solution in case others need it.
This is from the XGauge spreadsheet. I cannot vouch for it's usefulness. Kilometers per Hour: 00BC 010042B40000 380C 03E804000000 kph xx.xx kph