hi friends i think this sounds funny but i do not know how to chase rats away today i installed a LED inside engine bay and i use to put some naphthalene mixing with water and i split every where inside engine bay i wants to know will it hurt to my car, if i drive the car?[/url] [/IMG]
I cannot see the pics very well. Pure naphthalene is moth balls..solid at room temp.. and a minor component of gasoline Has some tox issues and is strong aromatic solvent may attack plastics. Never heard it repells mice
you can see every picture here clearly Postimage.org / gallery - DSC 0895, DSC 0896, DSC 0897, DSC 0898, DSC 0899
As long as you don't spray in one area constantly it should be fine. Start the car after and let it warmup and burn off some of the water. Don't soak the inverter, fuse box, or anything electrical. Don't spray with engine running as you risk sucking water through the intake. SM-G900V ?
No need to panic. It's a volatile material so it should evaporate, and it is not highly toxic. But you don't want to get into your eyes. It melts to liquid at about 175F I think if you hosed off with water, or brushed some with a broom, and let the rest evaporate, you'd be OK. The problem with dissolving it, is then in liquid form it might eat into plastics.
Should be. Then get some pure peppermint oil, soak some cotton balls in it and place them in a sock or panty hose and tie that under the hood somewhere it won't interfere with vehicle operation. Should rid you of rodents. SM-G900V ?
..probably a good trip down the highway would evaporate a bunch just due to the air movement put a fan over night until it goes away
Well, yes but, at your own risk. I have on my previous Gen 2 and Gen 3 cars. Never had an issue. Don't soak it and don't spray with direct high pressure. SM-G900V ?