I recently traded up from an LG flip phone to an iPhone 5 (a hand-me-down from my sister). In the process of trying to get it synched in to the hands-free Bluetooth system, I guess I pushed one too many buttons. Now I don't even have the Bluetooth icon on my audio display. Is it gone forever?? And if not, how do I get it back, and how do I get the phone into the system?
welcome! have you looked in the crevice between the seat and the center console? i lose stuff down there all the time. slide the seat all the way back and forward, while looking with a flashlight.
is there a bluetooth option listed when you press the setup button and scroll down the choices. not the icon but actual wording when you enter setup.
Maybe try suing the voice control on your steering wheel? I have a 3 so I have a touch screen system. Also welcome to PC.