The Prius I'm learning about and working on belongs to my very special friend She told me that the car has a smart key. And it is ... it opens and locks the doors and that is about it. Smart ... but I think the "smart key" is smarter. How do I tell if this car has a "Smart Key" system installed. Thanks Don
if you have the rubber button on the door handle. i think sks (smart key system) is the silver fob and black is non. or is it the other way around? anyway, with sks there is a rubber button on gen II driver and front passenger door and hatch. or if one door sks, just the driver door. if you have this, than you can unlock the door with the fob in your pocket by grasping the handle. and you can lock it by pressing the black rubber button. also, you can start the car without having to put the fob in the dash slot.
Ask it what the fastest animal on earth is... and if it answers "Pergrine Falcon" then it's a very smart key. Otherwise, if you can open, lock doors using the sensor in the handle and start the vehicle with a push of a button...then your fob is doing it's job.
Bisco thanks I guess this is a smart key car after all. Sparky I asked it your question didn't know ... may be it's not a smart as it thinks it is. Don