New Member :)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by nortie_boy, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. nortie_boy

    nortie_boy New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Hi there, B)

    My wife and I just bought a silvery 1998 model, 90,000km for NZD$8900 Japanese import.

    We both caught an overnighter from Wellington to Auckland to pick it up from the dealer. We hadn't seen it or test driving it but had it checked out by an independent, when we saw the car it really exceeded what we expected, everything was immaculate, even the engine, all looked new. :D Drove back to Wellington the same day, using 3/4 a tank! The whole trip turned into a game of getting the best fuel usage, hehe. We are both really happy with our choice and both really enjoy driving it.

    Took a few hours to figure out the display functions and wot not, but got it all sussed out now.

    I've been reading some of the tips and tricks though out the forum and think I'll be setting up the car a bit over the weekend. Tire pressure and stuff like that.

    Anyway, just thought I'd stop by say hi and let people curious about a buying a Prius, even a used import, to put aside any doubts and just go for it! :p

  2. unruhly

    unruhly New Member

    Jan 5, 2006
    Welcome to Prius Chat. You'll find a great deal of helpful info here, and a bunch of folks that can help you out with any questions you may have. CONGRATULATIONS on joining the high mileage club!

    Are you going to give your new Prius a name?
  3. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(unruhly @ Apr 26 2006, 08:10 AM) [snapback]245409[/snapback]</div>
    And a 2nd Welcome to the land of prius hood :) :lol: :)
  4. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    Congratulations, and welcome! Glad to hear you are enjoying driving your new Prius. I'm not 100% sure, but you may just have the oldest (model year) Prius here on the PC boards....
  5. nortie_boy

    nortie_boy New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Thanks for the warm welcome :)

    I think you could be right about being the oldest model, I was just updating my profile and there's no entry for models prior to 2001 :p no worries.

    It's good to be apart of this movement towards alternative energies. I always swore I'd never buy a car unless it was a hybrid or better. I'd never imagined we'd be owning one so soon. I assumed the purchase price would always be way too much. My eyes where opened when I saw the import Prius', even new the cost is not prohibitive.

    So we took the plunge. Still busing to work though :)

    I guess we'll hold onto this for a few years, then move up to a new one when we can afford it, as long as society has not crumbled. :blink:
  6. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    congrats! and welcome to PriusChat!
  7. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Welcome, gameboy! Your car makes you unique among our 13K+ people. (Rancid, Ken in Japan and one other guy might be the only ones to have owned a TRUE Gen 1---but I doubt it.)

    Since none of us has driven one that old, please (if you have the time and interest) let us know some of your observations as you get used to driving it.

    For example, I do remember reading that they boosted the power---I don't know if the gas engine AND the electric motor, or just one---before they introduced it to the American market. Does yours feel "underpowered" at all? Of course, that could depend on what you drove before, too.

    Does it have a MPG display screen, showing up-to-the-second MPG and past MPG in 5-minute increments?

    Come to think of it, a Russian guy posted here about a week ago, asking if anyone knew if he could get an owner's manual in Englih for his '97 (I think). (Don't ask how a Prius of that vintage got to Russia. :p ) Did you get printed stuff in Japanese only?
  8. nortie_boy

    nortie_boy New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Hey ghost,

    There are a tone of generation 1 vehicles being sold as imports here in NZ. I've seen a few around Wellington along with some later models, overall it looks like its becoming more accepted. So you might have some more Gen 1 owners showing up in time :)

    My impressions so far have been very positive. When I meet my wife a year and a half ago she was driving a 2.0ltr rundown 92 Camry. We sold that to put towards the deposit on the Prius. The power of the Prius I would say feels better than the Camry, even on a steep hill we have on the motorway, the Camry would struggle at 55 60 kmph but the Prius gets us up it 70-75. Also accelerating from a stop signal feels more 'perkier' :)

    It does have a display similar to what you described, only in KM per ltr, which when driving well around town on the flat we can average 20 to 25kmpl, negotiating hills (which Wellington has plenty) knocks that down by about 10kmpl. Not sure how that measures up to new generation vehicles, but It's a damn sight better than what we were getting the the Camry.

    We didn't get any documentation at all with the car. The dealer was sorry and seemed concerned how we would figure out the displays, panels and wot not. I told him it was fine and there there must be something floating around the net somewhere. Actually there wasn't anything I could find and my search led me to here with the post from the Russian guy looking for a manual himself. So I joined. :)

    How have you found driving your Prius? Do you see more people driving them?
  9. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    wow.. so Toyota did nail it - 2.0 litre power with 1.0 litre efficiency heh.

    20-25km/L is pretty good for a Gen 1! That's 4-5L/100km (47-59mpg US).
  10. pshifrin

    pshifrin New Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Welcome. My wife and I are enjoying our 4th week with our 2006 Pk 7 Silver here in NY. We were in NZ for our honeymoon in November... it was an amazing place / trip!
  11. nortie_boy

    nortie_boy New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Hey pshifrin :D

    Congrats on the wedding, the honeymoon destination and the new car! Sounds like a great start to a good life together :)

    Where in NZ did you visit? Hopefully you managed to get in some of the South Island, some wonderful scenery and activities down that way. My wife and I plan do head down there in the not too distant future, she is Chinese and never seen it down there, should be a blast! :D She says she's going to MAKE me Bungie, that's nice of her. I keep trying to think what I've done to annoy her.

    Are you commuting where you live or are you a city dweller? I guess either way the Prius would be making it more comfortable!
  12. fjef

    fjef Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Ontario, Canada
    2001 Prius
    I live in Japan and while I do not have a Prius older than 2001, our neighbourhood is full of 97s to 2000s and the used prices continue to increase (in a land where used cars are usually exported becasue there is no market for used cars).

    I saw a '97 auctioned here about 2 weeks ago with 270,000kms on it and someone actually bought it - you rarely see cars in the Japanese auctions sell if they have over 100,000 kms.

    There are no big differences between the 1st and second generation - I think there is a small power increase and the battery is stronger in the second generation. But Toyota guaranteed the battery in the 1st gereration for the life of the vehicle and many of them are being replaced with the newer and better battery.

    The MFD is the same - and in Japanese, of course, but it is not hard to figure out. We do not have a manual for our 2001 but we have figured everything we need to know out - if you have questions about the Japanese display etc, we can try and help.

    I spoke to a '97 owner (he only has 120,000 kms on his) last weekend and he raved about his car as a normal Prius owner should.

    I have access to the Japanese auctions and a friend with an auction licence - maybe we should send a few more to NZ!