Noticed a louder sound to my exhaust. Cuts out when ice shuts off. Haven't got a good look at the whole exhaust system from underneath but did see water drip out from the engine side of the resonator when the car was warming up. The sound is coming from about midpoint between the taiI pipe and the engine. I suspect the weld at the resonator junction is breaking. Is this common? Any suggestions for repair? 2008, Canada, 130000 km.
Well...looks like I was right....the exhaust separated from the resonator. I'm guessing this should go to a dealer, or can any mechanic handle this? I haven't taken my primus to anyone since getting it a year ago. Not sure if my usual mechanic would be comfortable with a hybrid. I also assume I shouldn't drive it, correct?
The installation of a new exhaust system is not a big deal, so if your mechanic can install a regular exhaust s/he should be able to handle the Prius. You can drive the car if you are not concerned about CO potentially leaking into the passenger compartment and poisoning you...or if you take steps to ensure you are getting fresh air.
This is not too common...leads me to wonder what gasoline sulfur levels you have in Canada. If it stainless steel wet chloride attack could explain cracking too. Chloride would not be expected but I do not know if additives have some or maybe it could have been one bad fill-up.
Exhaust systems have been lasting better for us, with our last couple of cars. Are they all stainless steel now? In the 80's~90's, mufflers would go occasionally, and at least once the mid-section pipe: just rusted out.
If your muffler shop uses an electric welder take care to isolate the exhaust system from the rest of the car. There have been reports of fried electronics when welding. JeffD
Normally Toyota exhaust rusts only on weld seams (and very light surface rust on some other places). If exhaust looks good other vice you can just weld that seam again and it should last at least 3 years. Other vice just replace it.
It was in the weld seam. We've had 2 rough winters in a row for salt up here, so maybe that has helped the rust along. It was a quick fix at a muffler place....glad I didn't have to replace the whole thing.