Hi just wondering if this tyre is alright? I see some of the older prius forums talk about it a bit but can't find any reference to it in the prius v ( lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) forums. One of my front tires keeps losing some pressure after a couple of weeks. Toyota thinks it is a sidewall damage. I was hoping the tire just needed to be reseated. If they need replacement i was going to go with the ecopia ep100's I declined the toyota 2 tyre replacement and alignment for $450 at my 12000 service. I'm in Australia so no ice or snow edit: I've seen a few references to Michelin Defenders, but they don't seem available in oz. theres the michelin energy XM2 for an extra $20 per tyre Edit: heh never mind I realised the stock tyres are bridgestone turanzas which isn't even the eco one, so just went with the ep100s. I had a nail in one of the tyres... d'oh
Do you mean EP001s? Mine are now completely worn after 38k km, but they still grip very good in wet (measured 0.9 G with phone).
I'm in Aus too and after disappointing wear from the Turanzas, I went to the Ecopias too. Nothing to complain about yet.
Bridgestone Ecopia EP100 were the first Ecopia tire put out, if I'm not mistaken. They're summer rated (not "all season") and very good for rolling resistance. Check out the above survey, I think they did pretty good.
They where marketed in US as summer tire but then were taken off for the lack of the demand. They had good MPG but we need all-seasons in most of the country. As summer only they are underwhelming at best. Our Gen3 came with EP20 (all season version) and replacing them with Energy Savers was a good step up both in MPG and handling.
Bridgestone tires has an array of tire products, but most Prius owners put on Ecopia tires on their ride because of better handling and comfort.