+1 on the keep the Prius and pick up a 'track car' theme. A used tuner or similar from the 90s ought to give you the fun factor, but do you need that all the time? iPhone ?
The op wanted to know what we would do if we were in his shoes. I guess that's not strictly a "what's the best financial play here" inquiry, but seeing that this op seems to be a young, closer-to-being-broke-than-being-rich individual, I think finances HAVE to be part of the equation. It's irresponsible to tell someone who can't REALLY afford it to buy a more expensive vehicle than the one they already own, imo. FYI, I have a "fun" car. I like to drive off road and hunt places a prius would never dare to go. So I bought a 99 Tacoma for $4500 and use it for "truck things" when I need it. I'm not against the concept of having a fun car. I'm against the concept of buying something I can't afford (also learned my lesson the hard way).
That is the nail in the head Johnny, don't buy something you can't afford to drive (insurance, fuel, maintenance). The purchase price is only $ amount a lot of people see. I learned this also with my BMW. Back in 2002 when purchased it was $49,000. It was many more dollars to maintain it every year than just monthly payments. Once payed off, all gravy. Are Scion troublesome cars? I would think they would be similar to Toyota right? TomK