Hi all. As many of you know, i received my Salsa #9 from advantage toyota in barboursville WV last week. This week, there have been a couple of posts disparaging them because they are now charging over MSRP to out of town buyers. While i agree that this stinks, i have to say something in their defense. i ordered my car in april, and they promised it to me in july. i contacted a specific salesperson there based on a recommendation from someone else on this board. he treated me always with respect and never tried anything devious or dishonest in any way. i spoke to him once in a while, including about a month ago when he told me that i would most likely be the last person from outside their area who gets my car from them at MSRP because of pressures from higher up in their toyota district. I POSTED THAT ON SEVERAL THREADS HERE. they are not happy about it, but they were not secretive or dishonest about their being 'forced' to do it either. i believe they are a fairly new dealership. this looks one way to us from the outside, but it seems to me quite possible, in corporate politics, that some larger dealers from outside their area, who sell more cars and are long established, could use their clout to come down on a little upstart who is messing up their business of ripping people off for more than list price. when my car was allocated and came in, jeremy said again that i would be the last deal they did at MSRP, but they never made ONE attempt to get more money out of me EVEN THOUGH THE FIRST TIME I SAW ANYTHING IN WRITING WAS THE DAY I PICKED UP MY CAR, HAVING FLOWN IN FROM LONG ISLAND. looking at some of the other experiences on here, i feel they dealt with me in a very honorable way when they could have tried to get away with something very easily, especially when they thought they 'had me' having flown in. i too wish they could keep selling, but i just had to say that i think they wish it just as much and are bowing to other pressures here, not trying to rip anybody off.
I bought my car there and agree with what you said (though perhaps this should be in the Dealers and Pricing thread). The people that run these Regional Toyota distributorships and the dealers they serve are starting to get their act together and make sure they squeeze every dollar out of this Prius supply imbalance while it lasts. If I were a dealer, I'd hold out as long as I could against it, but not at the expense of my allocation or my personal stake in the business. On the one hand, I have to laugh because I'm sure none of these people profiting from this could ever have imagined that they would be lining their pockets because of a frenzy over a HYBRID CAR! On the other, it's too bad that they profit from the shortage because they didn't create the supply demand imbalance, and they aren't helping to resolve it. If anything, this money (economists would call it the economic rent due to a shortage) should be going to Toyota as a reward for desiging such a highly sought after car, and Toyota could use it to increase production.
yeah i guess that is a more appropriate spot for it, i just wanted to comment that i thought they might be getting a bad rap that they did not altogether deserve