i have a 2014 Prius Four, with Plus ground effect kit, TRD spring and rear swaybar. 24,500 miles, excellent condition. I am trading it in for a station wagon, since i just become a dad, could use the extra space. However, when i brought it in, dealers are giving me $13k -14k, KBB has been giving me around 17k, nada gave me 16.5k, Edmund gave me 18k with the option of performance suspension as accessory. i think the number i got from the dealer is very low. has anyone experience this? any good tactic to negotiate for a better number? Thanks in advance.
I went the craigslist way and got my asking money but, I was not in a hurry at all. Nor I use the vehicle as a trade in for another and get murder
selling your car and buying a new one should not be done at the same time if you want to maximize value. That said I would try to find a way to make the prius work
no one wants prius right now, wait until gas price goes up, you'll have to beat off the prospective buyers. should time about right for when your child is actually taking up some space.
Why sell or trade for a station wagon , yes baby coming ,, how many more people can you get in a station wagon ?? , how much more usable space will you be getting ?? Now if you said trading for a cargo van OK? I get that ,,
Thanks for all the reply, for the station wagon, it's basically for more cargo room. Current a stroller and some baby gear already stuff the trunk. I sold my wrx before on Craigslist. Basically, my experience is very hard to sell a car that more than $15,000. People have to go to bank and get loans, and just not the way people buy these cars from. They prefer dealership.
Much simpler and cheaper to buy a new umbrella stroller: $130, a smaller thinner car seat: $250 and a fancy baby bag: $100 with pockets everywhere. Can fit the bag behind the front seat as the rug rats don't need leg space. Just $500 of new baby gear is a whole lot cheaper than trading in your Prius. I've got two kids and a double stroller. I am frequently shocked by how much stuff fits in the Prius with careful packing. Went camping once, tent, cooking stove, two sleeping bags, pillows, ice chest, and two bikes on a trunk carrier. The toughest thing to fit in the trunk was the ice chest with the stroller but like I said, it was much cheaper to buy an ice chest that fit the trunk well than renting an SUV to go camping.