Pulled the trigger yesterday on my fourth new Prius since 2005. A 2015 Sea Glass Pearl Four. Sticker including all the dealer mumbo jumbo (nitrogen, sealent, etc.) was just over $31,000. Walked out for $24,000 plus tax and tags. No one yell but the only concession I made was 5 year/75k Platinum warranty. Stated price was $1,080 but by taking it, they lowered my interest rate from 3.44% for five years to 2.1%. Incremental expense works out to $300. Considered waiting for the Gen 4 but the value was too much to ignore. This effectively replaces the leased 2012 Leaf that is being returned any day now. There are great deals to be had on the Gen 3.
Seems from your profile that you buy vehicles in quantity and often. Congratulations....sounds like a good deal. But I'm placing my bet on you are buying a Gen 4 in about a year or two.
Fantastic price; it seems that the dealers are hearting to move merchandise; and they are still making money.....................
I'll wait a couple of years for the Gen 4. Brought the new one home yesterday and asked my 11 year-old if she liked it. She said, "yes" and I replied, "Good, you'll be driving it in less than 5 years."