Hey, after running calculation and calculations. I figured out I cannot afford my coworkers home that she is trying to sell, even if she does give me a good deal on it. I stumbled upon this "gofundme" site and while I haven't come up with the courage to post it on Facebook publicly to show my friends and family the financial strains of a college student I thought I would share it here because any little bit counts. And this community has been very friendly to me! Here is my story and what not which will also be found at my gofundme link: First off, I am a student currently living in Surprise AZ, going to school at ASU Tempe. It is a 46 miles horrible drive one way to school. I leave 1.5 - 2 hours early to get to class on time. This semester I spend 14-18 hours a week driving, $160 in gas a month (I am fortunate enough to have a Prius. Although it is slowly falling apart.) -- time and money. Two things a student is already lacking. Although I do live at my families house rent free (which I am greatful for) I am 22 years old, have moved in and out of moms house and I am really looking for a consistent living environment closer to school. Luckily I am on financial aid and scholarship to keep me out of school debts! I have come come across the opportunity to buy my coworkers home. It is across the street from ASU west allows me to take the shuttle to school free of charge. It is a small home close to jobs and school, apart of an association that takes care of the outside parts of the house (I think it is a good baby step into owning a real house in the future) -- my coworker has offered me a good deal of paying for the house $100,000. While we are still working on ways for me to afford the place. It is becoming unlikely because she needs some money, and I don't have money. Based on on my calculations I can probably afford an $80,000 mortgage, so I am coming here after days of thinking how to afford the place for help. All I am looking for is an idea/help to afford this place for the next 4 years, after that I will be graduated and have a good job. And can actually afford a place!! oh and of course my job... Well everyone knows how the jobs are these days. Been with Walgreens for 1 year (3 years combined with a break in the middle). Making $9.50 an hour, it's not a bad job. But the pay just isn't there. And with how much time I spend at school and driving during the day I am finding it hard to obtain an IT position anywhere. thank you for all your time and help! Just trying to survive the next few years. -- and my link: https: // www gofundme com/Daafin3
Does ASU have a co-op program that places students in paying jobs where they also earn college credit? I was able to leverage a temp job into a full time job and career but that was a long time ago and things have changed. Today many of the entry level jobs have been automated or subcontracted. I've seen the IT Dept. go from employees to subcontractors to subcontracted H-1B visas. Can you afford the expenses of maintaining the house? Insurance, utilities, taxes, and association fees need to be paid then there is the unexpected repair. Are you willing/able to offer space through airbnb or sublet to roommates? Are you going to be able to sell the property in four years at a profit or are you willing to start a career as Landlord by renting it out to the next group of students? Good luck with the project.
These are all good points. Owning a house is more than just the mortgage payment. You might be better off renting near school if you're going to move.
not to discourage you, because i wish you all the best, but i've never heard of a college student buying a house. at 90 miles a day, you might be better off looking for a lower mile car, something at the inexpensive range of options.
ASU "coop program" now is called Federal Work Study, which I don't qualify for since I had it for my first year at UofA, and I guess it's hard to get it a second time. I have calculated the expenses of the house (even calculating above the avg costs for all those to be safe!) I am DEFINITELY renting rooms out! Easy to find roommates being across the street from ASU, and I've calculated there rent to what I can afford I would probably be able to sell the place for profit in 4 years considering my coworker is giving me a good deal on it. But I'd probably love there for awhile and rent it out to college students who also need help with places to live. I'm a strong supporter on education!
Unfortunately renting even rooms from people are just as expensive or more when getting near college!
I don't know anything about the real estate market in Surprise. Is your purchase price below the assessed value? If so, you'll want to contest the assessment. "I would probably be able to sell the place for profit in 4 years" is a very dangerous statement. A lot of people have found they have little to no to negative equity in their property over the last 10 years. If you have done the research on property values in the neighborhood then you should have a good idea of what the property should sell for. If the numbers work and you want to put in the effort to be a landlord then shop for a fixed rate mortgage and all the best.
The property I'm looking at is in Phoenix right by the college campus, and I would probably have to do some research to get the numbers! But I did have a real estate put a value on the place at 110k or so
If an agent believes it is worth $110 then you are probably paying a fair price. If other property in the neighborhood is selling for $95... In NJ deed transactions are recorded on the county level and their database is linked to a website so it is relatively easy to find what properties sell for. Don't cut corners just because the seller is a friend or coworker. Pay for the inspection & title insurance.