I have a 2012 prius c and just replaced the body control module - no problem there, but now the ac and fan will not turn on. Fuses visually look ok (I don't have a tester) and they had been working previously. I live on Molokai - no prius mechanic on the island so I do my own repair when I can - anyone have a suggestion about how to diagnose the problem?
Lucky me! A friend just called and suggested I check to see if the off button on the fan was stuck - he said it was a design flaw in the prius c - checked the button and, indeed, it was stuck. Wiggled it loose and problem solved! Phew! what is a toyota code reader?
congrats! it's called mini vci. you load it on windows 7 and hook it to the obd port. gives you everything the dealers get.
I'm having a similar problem. I turned off the fan, but now I can't seem to figure out how to get it back on. There isn't anything written in the manual about this. Any tips?
It’s the big “off” button contained within the rotary temperature selector. Mine hasn’t stuck yet, but apparently it is possible.
Mine started sticking. Only noticed it when I accidentally turned it off once. I turned on the a/c the first day we drove it off the dealership lot I never turned off the a/c even since. I do plan to clean it with some Deoxit some day.