I scanned my Prius to death /!\

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by goldfinger, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. valde3

    valde3 Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2014
    2004 Prius
    Prius has following:
    acc – power button once without brake
    ig-on - power button twice without brake
    ready – power button once with brake

    Scanning should be done in ig-on it can’t be done on acc and it shouldn’t be done in ready.

    Which did you scan it in? Try scanning it in ig-on. Have you test your Toyota scanner with any other car? It doesn’t even need to be Toyota sinse software has button to use it with other cars as general obd2.
  2. Sindre Stang

    Sindre Stang New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
    2008 Prius
    Thanx valde3. I din't know that. I'm pretty sure i ran the scan in acc and hope i didn't in ready.
    I'm setting up a new pc to run the obd software, and Ill try it on different cars.
    give me a couple of days and i'll come back with results.
  3. Keyslammer

    Keyslammer Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2015
    San Luis Obispo County, CA
    2008 Prius
    Apologies in advance for duplicated posts...but I swear, it is a needle in the haystack searching forums when there are so many ways to find/describe an issue. My experience belongs here...so I am re-posting.

    I just received the christmas tree warning lights in my office parking lot. I'd just finished my 20 mile commute with no problem. Powered off the Prius to drop off a package, then powered up and pressed the eV mode button...after moving the vehicle 200 feet in eV mode (I've added this feature) the vehicle died as I selected Reverse. I had been hardly moving through the parking lot and was just preparing to back into a spot when this happened...I can't recall if it was at the same moment I had selected Reverse...but it was close. After power cycling the vehicle a few times (engine kicked in, warning lights still on) I backed into the slot and retrieved the DTC codes. Note: The previous day I'd added an OBDLink LX to the vehicle and have been running the Torque app on an Android phone providing diagnostic information. The DTC codes I retrieved were: P0A1D, U0100, U0111 and U0293. I proceeded to clear the codes with the app and power cycled the vehicle again (no warning lights this time), and put it into reverse and waited for the engine to kick in (still no warning lights).

    Is it possible that thebluetooth dongle or eV Mode operation could be messing with the ECU? Should I unplug the dongle after every trip (I normally have it in "read only" except when I cleared the codes). I've read about others that have suffered a "relay failure" under the fuse box in the engine compartment and seen the U0100 fault code.

    Any other users experience this anomoly? The drive home will have some pucker factor, as I deeply dislike being stranded on the freeway.

    I had no problems driving home. HOWEVER, on the way in to work I stopped for an errand...still had the OBDLink LX installed and was monitoring the system with the Torque app. I'd left the app running on the phone...but shut down the car for about 15min. Then in the process of driving the last mile to work I noticed that the Torque App appeared to not be communicating with the OBDII device (or wasn't communicating with the ECU since it was not showing any RPM. So I shut down the Android since I was just a few blocks from work, no big deal, right?. 15 seconds after the phone shut down, the ICE died while cruising along at 50mph and I think ALL the lights came on (check engine, big read exclamation triangle of death, etc)...including all the instrument panel indicators (D,N,R,B,etc). So I coasted to a stop...proceeded to turn off the car, (I tried multiple ON/OFF cycles with no improvement on indicators even without the OBDII dongle)...so I plugged the dongle back in, restarted my Android and logged into the ECU and cleared the DTC codes (I turned on the car w/o stepping on the brake pedal for this). I then restarted the car...and drove off with no problems. I am hoping this exercise in cool diagnostic toys while operating the car doesn't actually BREAK something expensive. To be continued...

    Answer provided by Prius_Cub.:

    I have the same dongle with Torque. Other ODB scanners including insurance snoops can also create CAN bus anomalies.
    Sounds like Torque on your tablet is setup to auto-detect the protocol. You should set it under the vehicle profile to use ISO 15765-4 CAN 11bit 500k baud.
  4. SFO

    SFO Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2017
    Northern California
    2007 Prius
    Disconnecting the 12V battery overnight would've cleared any codes stored, you may need to drive the car around to log lost codes.
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