I purchased a OBDLink LX Bluetooth Scan Tool and a OBD Torque App for a 2008 Prius. So far all I can access from the ECM is MPH, RPM, coolant temperature and 12 volt voltage. If anyone knows how I can access additional information it would be appreciated.
Using the OBDLink LX and Torque: I had no problems with this when starting "fresh" on a drive. HOWEVER, on the way in to work I stopped for an errand...still had the OBDLink LX installed and was monitoring the system with the Torque app. I'd left the app running on the phone...but shut down the car for about 15min. Then in the process of driving the last mile to work I noticed that the Torque App appeared to not be communicating with the OBDII device (or wasn't communicating with the ECU since it was not showing any RPM. So I shut down the Android since I was just a few blocks from work, no big deal, right?. 15 seconds after the phone shut down, the ICE died while cruising along at 50mph and I think ALL the lights came on (check engine, big read exclamation triangle of death, etc)...including all the instrument panel indicators (D,N,R,B,etc). So I coasted to a stop...proceeded to turn off the car, (I tried multiple ON/OFF cycles with no improvement on indicators even without the OBDII dongle)...so I plugged the dongle back in, restarted my Android and logged into the ECU to clear the DTC codes (I turned on the car w/o stepping on the brake pedal for this). I then restarted the car...and drove off with no problems. I am hoping this exercise in cool diagnostic toys while operating the car doesn't actually BREAK something expensive. There is another thread in this forum with Prius specific PIDs that can be used with Torque. I plan to implement that and setup a Prius specific configuration file. To be continued...