Hello History: I replaced my battery on my 06, these cells are leftover from my extra battery i bought. They are all matching serial no., I have some data using techstream from when the cells were in my prius I will eventually add that to the post. I tried charging and discharging 2x with my grid charger, but I gave up and ended up using my original battery as it had better results. This one has just been sitting since February. How it performed: There is no swelling or cracking that I can see. While the battery was in my car it actually was able to drive decently (47 mpg actual), but if I tried to keep it in electric mode for extended periods with gas pedal it would cause the car to go quickly between power and no power causing a jerking motion. I firmly believe this set would be prime candidate for rebalancing, but I have no need for cells and no balancer, and not a lot of time. 08 modules 50k mi----$250 firm for the set. (less than $10 each) Would really rather sell locally in so cal I also have the gen 3 case and components includes ecu and cables, but i did use the copper contacts on my battery swap. -$150 located in San Bernardino Ca Thanks for looking,