On Sunday, October 18, I joined the hybrid club by bagging a new red 2015 Prius Two, not II because 2010 only used uppercase roman numerals for model designation, for $20,537 OTD with all weather mats & wheel locks. Ah, that new car smell. Was contemplating holding out for a gen 4 as the Honda Accord being replaced is good for another year or two but the looks uninspiring & odd, the gen 3 proven, and dealers cutting prices. The driving experience is rather boring as expected but its cool technology and mighty efficiency makes up for it. Prii are very common in the San Francisco bay area. Earlier today I parked a few spaces away from an identical one and a lady approached and attempted to open the rear passenger door. I was in the driver's seat and caught her off guard when I opened the door of "her" car and politely let her know that the other one was hers. We both got quite a laugh.
I think you made a wise choice. Hang around here, a lot of good info about the Prius. Google will help you find items you might search for rather than the search feature here on the site. Best of luck to you and "Welcome to Prius Chat"!
I am an automobile enthusiast. I also love motorcyles as well. Owned 2 yamaha 650 specials and an 750 Honda nighthawk. I have driven many classic cars (A 68 stang, a 69 GTX, 1972 Datsun 510-with weber carbs and headers! to name a few). Been in road ralleys back in the day. Cruised whittier blvd, tustin avenue and of course PCH (doesn't every Californian?). Anyway, I am so happy to see the younger set starting to embrace the Prius. It ain't a Suburu, but the Prius simply put, is in a class of its own. One can only know this till you get one. Yeah, I miss flying off from a dead stop, the roar of the holley secondaries opening up, the chirp of a racing tranny from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gears..... the simple comforts of this car make up for all of that! From simply walking to my car and touching the door handle to open it, to the 49mpg on average I am getting. And as simple as this sounds, having driven all the cars I have, I happen to like the roar the prius makes when I punch it to get on the freeway...........people look at me like ("Was that noise that Prius over yonder?") Yes, it was. See you in 3 weeks at the gas station!!
Congratulations. Hopefully you'll adapt and find the "enjoyable" aspects of Prius driving. I can admit that some people might find the Prius driving "feel" boring. And perhaps I'm just getting older. But for me the "new" exciting is relaxing and efficient. IMO it's a great cruising vehicle, great on long highway trips and you're not going find too much that beats it as far as efficiency. And that's pretty exciting.
The efficiency (I tell friends I bought a performance car, fuel performance.), technology, and low ownership & operating costs are exciting to me in a sense and, as I get older, fast and flashy less important attributes, particularly as traffic gets worse in our area where a car with gobs of horsepower is of limited enjoyment and questionable. I also enjoy blending in and ubiquity and is where the Prius has become ideal. I am looking forward to long road trips with it. Went on a 3k camping & motel road trip last summer and saw numerous folks in Prii doing the same - was envious of the MPG's they were pulling. Best I squeezed out of our Accord V6 was 32 with hypermiling. I hear ya. I have a Yamaha FJR touring bike with 11 more horsepower than the Prius and a 2000 BMW 5 series that I'll be hanging on to as the Prius is largely for my wife so I'll still be able to get my "fix", both driving and tinkering, when needed.
No option package, just a base TWO, got my 2015 a week earlier than you did. I ordered me some digital weather tech floor mats and the small us mud guards. We have a 2011 also, put a 100 miles a day on it. Congratulations on your new ride, Hope you get good service out of it!!!