Just imagine 501 posts on this thread...daisey you sure did get a nice prius...after 2 months of looking at alot of sub par cars...I think we all learned or relearned alot about shopping for a preowned prius...
Thanks for posting this link, Ron. I found John's info a while back but forgot to bookmark it. Didn't know he was a member of group. Thanks...I think you're the one with heated seats, right? I'm loving my leather seats even without the heat. : }
I read John1701a's post long ago. What I forgot was the fact that he did block off the radiator grille opening. I need to try that, just to see if I can boost my winter time mileage. I do have a hand held scanner, I need to see if it gives engine coolant temp.
John is still active here on Prius Chat. I looked to see what his status was. It showed he had posted 38 minutes ago. john1701a | PriusChat I tried the grill blocking last year. It did help with the heat coming on faster. I did a partial block since I don't have a scanner. Shame on me The picture of Daisy's car is good. Very sharp looking Prius. The two go well together. Have a great day everyone, off to the doctor
Tony S. started the definitive thread on grill blocking. Pipe insulation provides the best ROI. We had our first frost this morning.
EBH (electric block heater) is an easy way in up mpg's too. Set it on a timer if you typically commute the same time each day, and your 5 to 7 minute warm up mpg hit is significantly reduced. IIRC, they're available on the priuschat store. You may find it just as effective to not even bother with the zip ties. The foam fits so snug (in most cases) that it just stays in place any way. It come off easier too, if your drive home as warmed up into the 80 degree range. .
The first year I tried it, the end of one of the sections kept working its way loose, so last year I used zip-ties, as I will this year! I think it might be the way I fit the pieces, if you look closely you will notice my foam straddles the grille-bars, whereas in the pics in the .pdf file, the foam is snug in between the slats! Perhaps I'll try that method this year! Thanks for the note!
If you go around the bars you'll want to tie them off. I use twist ties. They may stay in place but if one works itself loose it can catch the wind and fly off. The Gen2 is sized correctly for the foam. You can get a very neat & clean installation right out of the package. Good job, Wil. The top is compression fit. There's a better chance of you pushing one through than of it falling off.
So gentlemen, what size of pipe insulation do I need plus how much length will I need to purchase? Our local Dome Hepot has no one that will help. They are retirees or kids, neither seem to understand English, and I'm too old to learn a new language. I plan on blocking my grille, the past shows a drastic drop in mileage,
At my local HomeBoyDespot there are 2 sizes (½" & ¾"). I used the ½" but think the ¾" might do just as well (and see previous comments re. Zip-Ties or no Zip-Ties), and it comes in (3 per packet) lengths which are perfect for the width of the grille without cutting (I used 2, but you might want to use 3 (check the pics) - hope this helps - Good Luck!
I used the 1/2 inch stuff when I did ours. Bought a couple of pieces and ended up only using one of them. I did not think about the zip ties and I have a bunch of them here. Still warm down here, expecting some tropical rain in the next couple of days. No Prius driving for me, will stay home where it is high and dry.
Thanks WilDavis. I have to go to Wallys World, my new router was working five minutes an hour. Called Comtastic, no problem on their end. Then I will go pass the Dome Hepot. I swear on a weekday, you could bowl there and not hit anybody. Brand New Arris-Motorola SB 6183 Router, it stopped more than it worked.
I find much the same at the HomeBoyDespot here in Nashua, a great place if you know exactly what you need, and exactly where it is located in the store. If you need help, forget it! The help as my old Dad would have put it, is about as "useful as a one-legged man at an nice person-kicking contest!" Good luck with the grille-blocking project! PS: using Zip-ties, requires small hands and long, thin, fingers!
Thanks. It seems if they can fog a mirror, they're hired. I get more help at Menades. The guy with yellow NASCAR, I purchase more there but they didn't have my garbage disposal rubber gasket seal. It took a special lip seal, kust my luck. The first one last fourteen years. Much much quieter now. Who knew that a piece of molded rubber could stop noise!!!
You guys are too funny. I usually have the same problem at Home Depot except once after helplessly wandering around for a while a cute, age appropriate customer decided to help. He even offered to take the wood home and cut them for me. I was buying posts for my garden which was located in the direction of one of his jobs. He was very nice and I was clueless. Former boyfriend intervened and informed me this guy was probably trying to ask me out on a date. Oh well....he was probably my one and only chance for finding a date at HP. : ) BTW...my other sk fob didn't work yesterday in a different location than the last time and then back to working again. I've asked salesman to send me two new batteries along with the touch-up paint and license plates he owes me. Now I need to find a teeny tiny screw driver. Also need to verify where cell towers are around here. I think there is one nearby somewhere. Also this morning I was able to lock car with the other sk in the car. Forgot I put it in my purse when I was switching keys. Maybe this worked because batteries are failing. I sure hope it's the batteries. I do not need an intermittent electrical problem. I sent request to salesman by email so it's documented. 60 day warranty flies by! I need to buy this foam tubing soon. Gets cold so quickly over here in CT. First freeze this past Sunday and now it feels like spring.
Hey Daisy, if you're up for a road-trip, I'll meet you ½ way and do the job for you (I think I have some spare foam in my garage), and I'll fit it for you, no charge!
Wil, thanks so much for offering to help! I'm assuming I need to wait until it gets permanently cold for the season...right? At what temp do you typically put the foam on? Did you say 2 or 3 pieces of foam works best? I can obviously go to HP and wander around : ) looking for more if you don't have enough. It's so warm here today!
I normally put it on around the end of October, but I did it yesterday to get it out of the way! I recently collected the set of steel wheels (with snow tyres) all ready for when the snow flies, of course if we get an Indian Summer, then I might just remove it (easy job!) and put it back later when I swap the wheels! The offer still stands, perhaps we should organise a local meet to exchange notes (…anyone else interested?)
Sounds like a great idea! When you have time let me know what I need to get regarding foam/zip-ties and we can see what the temps look like over the next few weeks. Is this foam practice pretty common and something Toyota approves of? I will be going to dealer for oil changes and want to be prepared. I saw Laura Madison promoting it on one of her social media videos back when she was doing Toyota sales. Thanks!