It will sync for about 10-30 seconds, then the car's Bluetooth just shuts off. It's not my phone, as the BT on my phone is working with everything else. I have unpaired, re-paired, shut everything down. It starts up again for that 10-30 seconds, and then it shuts off. Any ideas? Do I need to take it to the dealer? I'm seeing people are having issues with their iPhones not working via BT. Mine is a Samsung Galaxy. Guess no one else has had this issue since my original post in August? Still can't get it working and haven't had time to take it in to dealer......
I have been facing similar problems for past couple of months. I came to the forum to see if there is a new Entunes update that I need to install but haven't found anything yet apart from this post. I am using an iPhone running iOS 9.
Well, went to the dealer. They sat with me while I got my phone hooked up. Lo and behold, it's %^&*() working. It's been working ever since. I hate that!!!!