I'm looking seriously at getting an '06. I pulled up behind a Prius this morning and noticed that the "Prius" and "Hybrid" badges on the back of the car are pretty prominent. I'd like these badges to be more discreet, or be removed altogether. I do care about the environment, foreign oil dependence, and all that, and these are motivating reasons for me to look at a Prius. But I don't like the advertising, and I don't want to preach the fact that I'm driving a Hybrid to the world. Maybe it's that South Park episode playing with my head Has anybody attempted to remove these badges (so the only marking you would see on the back would be the Toyota name/logo in the center). Can it be done easily without leaving a mark, or screwholes, or whatever?
Why didn't you buy a Civic Hybrid instead? hehe. The emblems are all glued so floss and goo gone or hairdryer will do the trick.
I've heard it said that you get a Prius to make a statement and another hybrid (other than the Insight) in order to "fit in." But yeah, others have taken the emblems off. You can always stick them on a non-hybrid for a bit of fun.
I don't like the prominent "hybrid" emblems on the sides of the '06 -- they're kinda tacky. I like the rear emblem -- it's a more understated way of saying "this is a hybrid."
Yes, the badges are easily removed. I removed mine on a warm, sunny day just by gently pulling on them. I took off everything on my '06 except for the Toyota logo in the center, which I've been told has two locater pins. See Darell's instructions for good tips after you get your Prius.link.
Do you know anyone with a hummer? You really need to stick that hybrid badge on a hummer just to get a picture...
Thanks all for the info, especially claytonroadie for the link. I wasn't using the right search terms. Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks the car would look better without the emblems.