that impressive for C-max! In Prius C 75-80 is no biggy on 15-20mi drive. If engine was warned up on previous trip.
I can hit 89 mpg on my prius 2 on a 2 mile trip to get a pizza then when the motor turns on it drops back to 48 ish over the next 200+ miles
I'm a new Prius owner (2014 Four/Solar with ~1.5k miles so far), and I was surprised at how much fun it is to play the mileage game. I commute back and forth to Boston most days and it's a real hoot to try and beat the previous day's mileage numbers. I did a shorter trip a few days ago (about 17 miles) and clocked 79.9mpg. What a tease the Prius is! Perry
I tried the mileage game on the freeway but then I noticed everyone was flying by me! I looked down and I was going around 50-55 in a 65mph zone! I needed to get the heck up to speed... game over!